New post by me and @ratanass for @BL_DigiSchol
Join the British Library's Universal Viewer Product Team
#JobFairy #JobKlaxon #UV #UniversalViewer #IIIF #RSE #UX #product
#jobfairy #JobKlaxon #uv #universalviewer #iiif #rse #ux #product
Recently had a discussion about #researchSoftware. After delving into its definition, the conversation shifted to whether software initially created for research always remains as research software, or how one addresses the software's maturity. The answers lie in the same paper as the definition: "The evolution of it being RS might depend on version x.z and if this version is also born RS. " Thus, it's dependent on the version, not the software itself. #rse
Yesterday released version 0.1.0 of #cff2pages. Integrated references into pages. #softwareDocumentation #cff #rse
#rse #cff #softwaredocumentation #cff2pages
**Permanent full time research software engineer position at Aalto University**: Aalto Scientific Computing is a specialized type of research support, providing high-performance computing hardware, management, research support, teaching, and training. The team works with top researchers throughout the university. All the work is open-source by default and we take an active part in worldwide projects.
See more about tasks, qualifications, salary, etc in
You know how IIIF and the Universal Viewer are really cool? The British Library is creating a product team to contribute to these communities' work and improve access to digital collections
Product Owner (£35-£39k)
Research Software Engineers (£35-£39k)
Senior Test Engineer (£29-£32k)
#IIIF #UniversalViewer #MuseTech #openGLAM #RSE #JobFairy #JobKlaxon #DH
#iiif #universalviewer #musetech #openglam #rse #jobfairy #JobKlaxon #dh
Die KSW @klassikstiftung sucht Unterstützung im Projekt Propyläen, DH #RSE E 13 50% (zunächst) befristet bis 31.12.*2028*, mit Möglichkeit der remote Arbeit.
The Klassik Stiftung Weimar is looking for a #DigitalHumanities #ResearchSoftwareEngineer, starting ASAP, fixed term (currently) until 31 Dec *2028*.
Project #Goethe #Biographica
Job Description:
#digitaleditions #digtalscholarlyeditions #biographica #goethe #ResearchSoftwareEngineer #digitalhumanities #rse
On the other hand, #ResearchSoftwareEngineering (#RSE) #jobs seem to #pay better (£37k upwards). However, they are typically #FixedTerm like #postdoc #roles, and a #ResearchSoftwareEngineer usually needs to have a #PhD.
#phd #ResearchSoftwareEngineer #roles #postdoc #fixedterm #pay #jobs #rse #ResearchSoftwareEngineering
Ich war eben für die Weiterentwicklung von @correspSearch in den GitHub-Repos und der digitalen Edition der Weber-Gesamtausgabe unterwegs und muss mal wieder feststellen, dass @ps_tadler, & Team das ganz hervorragend programmiert, dokumentiert und publiziert haben. Chapeau! (Ich wäre froh, könnte ich dieses Niveau in meinen Projekten erreichen 🙄)
#digitalhumanities #DigitalEdition #tei #rse
🎬 [Webinar] Green Deal – Comment prendre de l’avance sur ces transformations ?
#RSE : de nombreuses règlementations se préparent telle que la nouvelle directive CSRD sur le reporting de durabilité des sociétés qui s’appliquera dès janvier 2024.
Visionner l'intégralité du webinar :
#greendeal @MickaelReault Pascal Junghans #Cereinec Hugues Ferreboeuf #VirtusManagement
#rse #greendeal #cereinec #virtusmanagement
I'm not sure about your feelings, but when I develop a small package and push it to #pypi I get a bit anxious about criticism and people judging my initial work. The reality, however, is somewhat more disheartening: no one really cares. 😅 Nonetheless, I've published a new package: cff2pages. Here it is: #opensource #openscience #rse
#rse #openscience #opensource #pypi
Save the Date!
Join us at the 2nd online #RSE Asia Australia Unconference from the 13th to the 15th of September!
This is a joint partnership between the RSE Asia Association and the RSE Association of Australia and New Zealand.
The theme for this year is “Silos to Synergy - Achieving collaboration across domains”.
Lust unser Team zu verstärken und Dich agil im Bib/Uni-Kontext zu bewegen (Softwareentwickler*in Frontend, E13, befristet)?
#scrum #softwareentwicklung #job #jobs #frontend #rse
Carrefour revoit les conditions de rémunération de 10 000 salariés
👉 En France, une partie du variable de milliers de collaborateurs sera désormais liée aux performances sociétales et environnementales du groupe.
#carrefour #salaire #emploi #rse #remuneration #business
Save the date: The #derse24 will be held at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg during the week of March 4th to March 8th, 2024. The main conference is scheduled to run from midday Tuesday, March 5th, to midday Thursday, March 7th, leaving time for additional RSE-related events and meetings before and after. I am part of the program committee. This is very exciting for me, and we'll do a lot to ensure that this will also be exciting for you. #rse #derse
#cvmapotsdam und #telotaitdh, beide #bbaw, haben letztes Jahr erfolgreich Mittel für die Weiterentwicklung des #digitalerressourcenmanager eingeworben. Wir können Euch sehr empfehlen, hier aktiv mitzumachen. :) #rse #metadaten #nfdirocks @nfdi4culture
#community #researchtools ^ag
#cvmapotsdam #telotaitdh #bbaw #digitalerressourcenmanager #rse #metadaten #nfdirocks #community #researchtools
I finally got around to updating the blog post "State of research software engineer{s,ing} on Mastodon". Any final comments before publishing? Any new joiners?
I just gave a talk at SE4RS'23 at PEARC:
“The Changing Role of RSEs over the Lifetime of @ParslProject" by @danielskatz, @benc, Yadu Babuji, Kevin Hunter Kesling, Anna Woodard and Kyle Chard
#rse #rseng #se4rs #se4science #pearc23
Luis Pedro Coelho (not on mastodon as far as I know) on long-term sustainability for software in bioinformatics #bioinformatics #rse
I've been a Research Software Engineer (#RSE, who does #RSEng) for ~6 months now and plan to opine a bit on what it's like, after ~10 years as a postdoc.
A big thing I'm enjoying is the variety of work, both in subject matter and technology. It's fun getting to know a research area by being sort of embedded for a few months, or even just dabbling in a technology for a few days to see what our team might be able to do for a research team.