All to often "#Github is where academic #OpenSource goes to die" says Evelina Gabasova talking about how to have impact through your work at #RSECon23
I'm meeting some of the wider Research Software Engineering (#RSEng) community at #RSECon23 and am really struck by how many RSEs have backgrounds in #astronomy/#astrophysics research.
I'm meeting much of the wider Research Software Engineering (#RSEng) community at #RSECon23 and am really struck by how many RSEs have backgrounds in #astronomy/#astrophysics research.
We are at the United Kingdom Research Software Engineer (#RSEs) Conference (#RSECon23) today hosting 2 sessions:
👉 Our RSE Alessio and PhD Candidates Floris-Jan and Stijn are teaching RSEs how to improve the performance of their #GPU applications using #KernelTuner
👉Our Training Programme Lead, Mateusz, is providing an update on RSE activities @eScienceCenter & in the NL!
#rses #rsecon23 #gpu #kerneltuner
I turned my two minute poster presentation into a show and tell. I think it went down well 😄 @thecarpentries #rsecon23
Domhnall Carlin is presenting some startling numbers at #RSECon23: 63% of UK institutional research repositories (IR) simply can't accept software as a research output. I.e., if you're a researcher and want to upload metadata about software to your IR, you can't. 😮
Amazing talk by Eli Chadwick at #RSECon23 about accessibility and disability awareness. Personal must watch for folks that want to catch up with anything from RSECon afterwards.
@danielskatz advises at #RSECon23 that a way to keep volunteers engaged in a project is to ~"let them do what they want, within the code of conduct".
This strikes me as another idea along the lines of "try many things and see what sticks" to sustain communities, which has been growing on me since I read Pieter Hintjens' "Social Architecture":
Enjoying @danielskatz's reflections on growing an organisation. You only get so far with volunteer work, at some point, you need paid people to keep things going. And even then it's hard to sustain and not have those people just chase more funds to ensure they keep getting paid... #RSECon23
We're seeing some posts starting to pop up about #RSEcon23 from a number of you, and are looking forward to reading about how it's going! You may also want to catch up with two of our team attending this week, @knirirr and #PrakhyatGailani 🙂
Posts on #RSEcon23 also from @code4thought @GaelVaroquaux @pjacock and many others.
Heading off to #RSECon23 in Swansea. First one of these since (I think?) the first one in Manchester, so really looking forward to it.