New Shiny for R updates: Tooltips, popovers, a new theme, and more! ✨
The #Shiny team is delighted to share that they’ve just released updates for 12 different #RStats packages that contribute to the Shiny experience.
Check out the new functions`bslib::tooltip()` and `bslib::popover()` for creating tooltips and popovers!
Provide the detail your users need on demand, right where they need it. #RShiny
Read more in the blog post:
Today I prototyped what I thought would be a complex #RShiny app, and I decided to start it in a shiny Rmd just to rough things out... And I think it's pretty much done. I somehow forgot you could do so much in #RMarkdown with shiny! #RStats
The {shinymanager} #rstats 📦 is a great way to add basic authentication to an R Shiny app! By Benoit Thieurmel
I've tried several options for adding log-ins to some of my hobby apps, and this was the easiest.
(Note: I'm using this for hobby apps where nothing terrible will happen if data is exposed - I just don't want them Internet crawled. I'd consider something like paid shinyapps for sensitive data.)
#RShiny #Shiny @rstats
🚀 {shiny.emptystate} transforms empty UI elements into meaningful components. Curious about what to use as an empty state component? Check out an example with {shiny.semantic} from #Rhinoverse!
“A coming-soon version of Shinylive for R will provide a much better user experience for getting fully client-side R Shiny apps up and running . . . I believe Shinylive with webR integration will pave the way for providing a user-friendly method to build and deploy containerised R Shiny apps, running on WebAssembly.” - @gws at @Posit
#rstats #RShiny #Shiny #webR @rstats
Optimizing #RShiny applications with webR is a game-changer 🤯 By leveraging browser-based computation, we witness a significant reduction in server load and enhanced responsiveness.
Dive deeper into the technical insights:
🎉 Our {rhino} framework for enterprise #RShiny applications has hit 200 ⭐ on GitHub!
Clear code, quality tests, and automation - all in one package.
Ces dernières années j'ai pas mal fait de développement Web Avec #RShiny et exploité des données issues de la Télédétection (Sentinel-1 et Sentinel-2 principalement).
Je suis mobile sur la France entière et à l'International, et je suis également ouvert au remote.
Si vous avez besoin de freelance, je suis dans les papiers et devrais être disponible d'ici Septembre !
🧵 2/2
The new version of {rhino} gives you the ability to write parts of #RShiny application in React 💪🧙♂️
Thanks to the integration with {shiny.react}, you can now create stunning and tailor-made components with ease!
Unlocking Performance and Responsiveness: Async Programming in Shiny with Veerle van Leemput.
"Building upon her keynote talk at ShinyConf2023, Veerle will dive into practical examples of async programming in Shiny. Explore the power of packages like future, promises, callR, and coro" - @appsilon
Tuesday, 25 July noon ET / 6 pm CET
#rstats #RShiny @rstats
@Barney You should be able to include a Shiny app in a Quarto blog the old-fashioned way: Host the app somewhere that has a Shiny server and then iframe the app on a blog page. 😀
No more editing `dependencies.R` and calling `renv::snapshot()`🎉
The new {rhino} version comes with super handy shortcuts for managing dependencies: `rhino::pgk_install` and `rhino::pkg_remove` 🧙♂️💪
I was recently interviewed by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) for their "Shaping Research Software" series where I shared highlights from leading a team of researchers and programmers developing decision support tools for agriculture and research software. Be sure and read the other great profiles in this series, it's a great way to see what's being done out there in Australian research.
#rse #rstats #rshiny #julialang #agriculture #research4ag
How can you create production-ready R Shiny apps in R that can handle thousands of users? Ryan Johnson, data science advisor at @Posit , presents "Shiny in Production", a free @NHSrCommunity webinar on Wednesday, July 19, 1-2 pm UK time / 8 to 9 am EDT.
#rstats #RShiny
Understanding user actions is the key to improving your #RShiny app.
{shiny.telemetry} was built precisely to do that - gather information about user activity💪
By default, it tracks:
👉session start/end
👉browser version
👉changes in inputs
I’m thinking of making an #rshiny app with maps of data on #latinamerica. Suggest me some open data sources (perhaps around health, wellbeing, etc human indicators)?
#rspatial #mappingdata
#rshiny #latinamerica #rspatial #mappingdata
Check out a new tutorial for {shiny.emptystate} 🎉
It guides you through creating empty state components with custom HTML content, including images from services like DrawKit and unDraw.
You can find it here 👉
Check out a new tutorial for {shiny.emptystate} 🎉
It guides you through creating empty state components with custom HTML content, including images from services like DrawKit and unDraw.
You can find it here 👉