RT @RadHealthEqty
We spoke to so many #healthequity champions and advocates at #RSNA2022! If you haven't already, please consider Committing to Act and Pledging to Advance Health Equity in Medical Imaging👉http://bit.ly/3g5lDQE
#radiology https://twitter.com/RadiologyACR/status/1602321160678658054
#HealthEquity #rsna2022 #radiology
Amazing patient advocate, Liz Salmi, @TheLizArmy #RSNA22 #RSNA2022
Deciding on My Dimples | NEJM https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2210418#.Y46dMDzhnGM.twitter
Attending #RSNA2022? Join me at the Learning Center in Hall D, Level 3, (informatics) to discuss practical considerations when deploying continual learning algorithms, or PM me if you would like to have a chat 😄
RT @DrOverfieldMD
#1 resource for networking!
Use the link below: 👇
@RadDiscord @TheRadRoom @RSNATrainees @RadApplWG @inside_thematch #RSNA22 #RSNA2022 #FutureRadRes #RadRes #medicalstudent #Radiology #RadTwitter #MedTwitter
#RSNA22 #rsna2022 #FutureRadRes #RadRes #medicalstudent #radiology #radtwitter #medtwitter