Amazing patient advocate, Liz Salmi, @TheLizArmy #RSNA22 #RSNA2022
Deciding on My Dimples | NEJM
RT @KemiMDRad
I want every #radiologist on #Twitter to screen capture this ! #RadsForFood did not come to play. #HCWvsHunger Thank you Thank you @RSNA #RSNA22 I love you all and I love being a radiologist!!! 💕💕💕
#radiologist #twitter #radsforfood #hcwvshunger #rsna22
Useful #AI outside of #RSNA22 use cases
RT @eyishazyer
If you're not using AI, you're losing out.
8 mindblowing AI tools (you can use today) that will save you hours
Okay I have to ask. Radiology is the most advanced medical specialty with regards to AI. But #RSNA22 and #NeurIPS22 are the same week??? How do the radiologists who do machine learning work choose??
Say hi to Drs. Jane Ko, Mylene Truong, Edith Marom and Smita Patel at #RSNA22!
Hello from #RSNA22! If you’re also here, reply to this toot and let other @thoracicrad colleagues know you’re in town!
"The study underscores that #ADHD is a neurological disorder with neuro-structural and functional manifestations in the brain, not just a purely externalized behavior syndrome." #RSNA22
Sending up a flare for #RSNA22 #radiology in case we need to evacuate the other place
Ain't no way I'll make it thru a week of not rolling my eyes inappropriately in front of people I shouldn't without knowing u r there to vent to later!