đź–¤ Added an flock to the cron, organized naming, made an alpha-only and all versions of the script. Tested it, everything working great ... https://repo.haacksnetworking.org/oemb1905/haackingclub/-/tree/master/scripts/rsnapshot-all ... I'm now beginning testing on "Retain" vs. a manual delete shell script. My recollection is Retain does not work. We shall see and I will keep everyone posted! #freesoftware #sysadmin #gnulinux #rsnapshot #rsync #datacenter #server #versioncontrol đź–¤
#freesoftware #sysadmin #gnulinux #rsnapshot #rsync #datacenter #server #versioncontrol
@aep and just to add another 5¢:
RAID never is replacement for backups. Checkout the 3-2-1 backup strategy e.g.
Have a look at #rsync or #rsnapshot for local backups and #restic for encrypted, deduped off-site backups.
@travisfw I use #rsync --link-dest, through #rsnapshot and a custom cleanup script to delete older #backups when the backup drive starts to run low on space. It might not be fancy, but it's worked pretty much like a charm for years. (The only complication is if a backup is interrupted mid-way. That has left me needing to do some manual cleanup a few times...)
@heiseonline Nextcloud wird mit #rsnapshot auf lokales Drive gesichert. 4 hourlies, 7 dailies, 1 weekly und 1 monthly.
Von dort holt ein #raspi das Zeug per #rsync via #ssh zu sich. Am Wochenende schreibt er dann das ganze verschlĂĽsselt per #restic in die Cloud.
Dank Hardlinks und restic Deduplication frisst das alles zusammen nur etwa 20% mehr Platz als die gesicherten Daten.
Restore aus rsnapshot-Backup per cp ist trivial. Restic restore funzt auch flott.
#restic #ssh #rsync #raspi #rsnapshot
Es war vermutlich 2014, als ich damals auf einem #raspberrypi 2B #owncloud installiert hatte. Das lief, aber alles andere als befriedigend. Der Pi war einfach zu schwach auf der Brust. Damals hab ich schon mittels #rsnapshot Backups eingerichtet. Zwischenzeitlich gab's ne Migration auf #Nextcloud und zwei Hardware-Upgrades.
Heute läuft das Ganze verteilt auf zwei Raspberry Pi 4 mit je 8GB RAM. Und heute läuft auch endlich mit #restic ein zuverlässiges #Offsite Backup.
#OpenSource #FTW !
#ftw #opensource #Offsite #restic #nextcloud #rsnapshot #owncloud #raspberrypi
@retroedgetech I've been using #rsnapshot for years and years and really enjoy its simplicity. Well, at least for local backups it suits perfectly for me.
For off-site backups though, I'd like to have my files encrypted. For this case, I'm using #restic . Once weekly it'll backup my local backup to some cloud storage I'm paying for.
@heiseonline 4 mal täglich lokal per #rsnapshot
Retention: 4 hourlies, 7 dailies, 4 weeklies, 1 monthly.
Am Wochenende off-site per #restic
@louisderrac si c'est sur un serveur dédié, #rsnapshot est superbe.
Perso, j'ai un serveur avec plusieurs sites (dont les miens) et un autre juste pour les sauvegardes.
Sinon, avec ton fournisseur d'hébergement, y'a pas une solution proposée ?
rsnapshot is putting a ' ' directry level in the backup path #commandline #ssh #backup #rsync #rsnapshot
#commandline #SSH #backup #rsync #rsnapshot
How To Setup Backup Server Using Rsnapshot In Linux #Rsnapshot #Rsync #Backup #Linux #Opensource #Perl
#Perl #OpenSource #Linux #backup #rsync #rsnapshot
Has anyone here had bad/data loss experience with #borgBackup? I am running out of space with my #rsnapshot-based approach as it doesn't deduplicate renamed files and am considering to replace it.
What makes me a little uncomfortable is that should the borg executable break (be it a stupid temporary library error or whatever) and I need my files FAST I'd be screwed, right?
Also that you can't backup while your snapshots are mounted is a (minor) inconvenience.
@sophie We have a #syncthing-shared Documents folder mirrored to all our devices and also our RPi RAID NAS where we store Pictures and larger stuff. There, everything is #rsnapshot-ed to another HDD. All other folders in home I consider volatile as I track my dotfiles and all my other projects with git anyway.
I believe a dry run option has recently been added which may help first time runs. There's an issue in there about removing ignored data; I don't recall if it's on the todo list or was too complex to add in. The forums can be helpful if you're not getting the performance your expect - sounds like something may be amiss unless you're working with very large numbers of files. I'd be interested to know how you get on with #rsnapshot
I'm really fed up with the negative aspects of #restic for #backups.
I migrated my business backup setup to #rsnapshot and will blog about performance and space requirements in comparison in probably 2-3 months after collecting enought data during backup runs.
I'm very curious how this is going to turn out.
Follow my feed on https://karl-voit.at/
What is the best way to create a timestamp-file in a backup created by rsnapshot?
I find it tedious to check when the backup was created on folders like daily.0 because the timestamp of the folder does not reflect the time of the backup.
I'd much rather have a simple file inside containing a timestamp.
I could always attach a && touch timestamp.txt ... to my cron, but I'd prefer to use a more elegant solution.
#restic seems to be a fine #backup solution.
However, it assumes that target disk space has no limit (which is hard to recover from) and it assumes that you don't have time-restrictions on running a backup. My backup times vary hugely between 6min and >4 hours with a median of 1 hour.
Both assumptions are a huge pain for me in my daily life. I will probably have to get rid of restic because of that, switching back to a more reliable #rsync-based solution like #rsnapshot.
#restic #backup #rsync #rsnapshot
How To Setup Backup Server Using Rsnapshot In Linux #Rsnapshot #Rsync #Backup #Linux #Opensource #Perl #Commandline
#commandLine #Perl #OpenSource #Linux #backup #rsync #rsnapshot
Backup your server with Rsnapshot
#rsnapshot #selfhosted #gofoss #ubuntu #linux #privacy #gofoss
#rsnapshot #selfhosted #gofoss #ubuntu #linux #privacy
My #Backup Shell Script: #Rsync-Based With #Orgmode-Friendly Summary and Desktop Notifications
Also: Why #restic is not an option for my situation.
#backup #rsync #orgmode #restic #publicvoit #rsnapshot