Despu茅s de muchos a帽os usando QuiteRSS como agregador de noticias GUI, quise salir de mi zona de confort, dando un salto hacia #RSSGuard (Qt y C++), elegido tanto por su integraci贸n con servicios en linea como #nextcloud news, feedly, #ttrss y otros, ademas de su posibilidad de ser podcatcher, fueron las principales bondades que me convencieron para darle una oportunidad (aunque #newsboat/podboat siga presente cuando estoy en terminal).
Muy feliz, me encuentro. :tux: I 鉂わ笍 #rss 馃摪
#rss #newsboat #ttrss #nextcloud #rssguard
#RSSGuard it is (thanks, @cybertailor).
It looks like something the cat thrown up and it is completely unresponsive while updating feeds (if you touch it, it even stops showing progress).
However, it doesn't need WebKit and after fighting its completely counter-intuitive way of resizing the headers (maybe that's a Qt thing) it finally shows me what I need and lets me do things more efficiently than #Liferea did.
Trying #HaikuOS for the first time in several years. It remains faster and cleaner than any other modern OS, and I'm excited to see ports of #RSSGuard, #Remmina, and #Qutebrowser. For me, biggest issues affecting casual use are lack of support for VPN, Nextcloud, and Bitwarden. SSH tunneling and web apps for Nextcloud and Bitwarden might get me far enough!
#haikuos #rssguard #remmina #qutebrowser
L'excellent logiciel de flux RSS "RSSGuard" passe en 4.3.1 :
#RSSGuard #fluxRSS
RSS Guard update brings massive performance boost
#RSSGuard #LibreSoftware #FeedReader #RSS #RSSReader
#rssguard #libresoftware #feedreader #rss #rssreader
#Nextcloud #News on the server + #RSSGuard as client. Almost perfect.
#rss #rssguard #news #nextcloud
Appearantly, #rssguard has mysql support, but the flatpak doesn't include it! UGGGGGGGHHHHH
I've been meaning to get back to #RSS, but the plethora of providers and clients has been confusing. After much experimentation I've landed on:
- #FreshRSS backend (self-hosted)
- #RSSGuard desktop client
- #Feedme mobile client
Loving it so far. It's such an efficient way to keep track of things. My only regret is not setting it up earlier
#rss #freshrss #rssguard #feedme
RSS en vogue again: Better overview & easier skimming of your news feeds, using #RSSGuard filters.
#newsreader #feeds #atom #rss #rssguard
Recommended #opensource #RSS #feed reader: #RSSGuard
Why? - RSS/RDF & Atom 路 Standalone, or Tiny Tiny RSS, Nextcloud News etc 路 Filtering and labeling via scripts 路 OPML feed import/export 路 20+ languages
More recommendations:
#rssguard #feed #rss #opensource
What are you using to read your news that are hosted on #nextcloud #news on your #gnulinux desktop?
On the mobile I use the #nexcloudnewsapp, on the desktop I tried #feedreader.
#feedreader is not supported any more, crashes, ...
#liferea does not support #nextcloud.
#rssguard seems also strange ...
#followerpower #rssguard #liferea #feedreader #nexcloudnewsapp #gnulinux #news #nextcloud
Just published: Better overview and easier skimming of your news feeds, using #RSSGuard filters.
#newsreader #feeds #atom #rss #rssguard