Was going through old repositories; found this nice document on estimating treatment effect of a medicine for a single patient with seizures #rstats :rstats:
It goes from simple to complex:
- #Visualization & summary statistics
- Poisson regression (glm) with a treatment dummy
- Penalized poisson regression to deal with 0s
- Correcting for autocorrelation
- #Bayesian Poisson model with #stan #rstanarm
- Correcting for autocorrelation and #BayesFactors #bridgesampling
#rstats #visualization #bayesian #stan #rstanarm #bayesfactors #bridgesampling
Gave an introductory 3h workshop on #Bayesian #Regression #Modelling. #stats #stan #rstanarm #bayesplot
The objective was to demystify; to show that a lot can be accomplished with very little investment and that advantages are considerable.
The materials are available online. Feel free to reuse, disseminate and modify at will, as long as you give credit and share alike.
Thanks to all cited people who created terrific software, papers and training materials.
#bayesian #regression #modelling #stats #stan #rstanarm #bayesplot