@_dmh @peter_mcmahan I’m new to #R, #rstudio, etc. However, I did notice that Palantir was a sponsor of #rstudioconf (2022) so why the surprise about this business partnership?
@djnavarro @jonny woke up this morning to an email from Hadley about moving the #rstudioconf away from Florida, yay! Then see this.... Boooo!
It's officially 2023 in Kenya 🇰🇪
My 2022 has been AMAZING!! The year I got to visit the U.S for the very first time, thanks to #posit.
I'm grateful to everyone who took their time to interact with me. Special thanks to the lovely ladies who took care of me when I got really sick (gwynn, Mine, Shannon and Katherine). Despite the challenges, #rstudioconf was a dream come true.
To a year full of good health, a gazillion blessings, and less code bugs .
Happy New year beautiful people 🎉
I had the pleasure of volunteering in my daughter's 1st-grade classroom today for #hourofcode. I told the kids that the T-shirt I was wearing was from the best adult coding summer camp around. And I even bought a few duplicate hex stickers to give out. Hopefully, one of those kids walked away as excited about coding as I am. #rstats #datascience #rstudioconf #posit
#hourofcode #rstats #datascience #rstudioconf #posit
I had the pleasure of volunteering in my daughter's 1st-grade classroom today for #hourofcode. I told the kids that the T-shirt I was wearing was from the best adult coding summer camp around. And I even bought a few duplicate hex stickers to give out. Hopefully, one of those kids walked away as excited about coding as I am. #rstats #datascience #rstudioconf #posit
#hourofcode #rstats #datascience #rstudioconf #posit
RT @Emil_Hvitfeldt@twitter.com
I'm behind on twitter, but I'm happy to say that the recording of my #RStudioconf talk "tidyclust - expanding tidymodels to clustering" is now available https://www.rstudio.com/conference/2022/talks/tidyclust-expanding-tidymodels-to-clustering/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Emil_Hvitfeldt/status/1560953911535706113
RT @tylermorganwall@twitter.com
‼️My #RStudioConf talk is up! Learn all about creating amazing 3D data visualizations, interactive VR rollercoasters, generative art, and more—all in #RStats.
Link: https://www.rstudio.com/conference/2022/talks/building-ggplot2-rollercoaster-creating-amazing/
#RStudioConf2022 #rayrender #rayshader #dataviz
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tylermorganwall/status/1560319240384774150
#rstudioconf #rstats #rstudioconf2022 #rayrender #rayshader #dataviz
RT @CedScherer@twitter.com
"Graphic Design with #ggplot2" 👨💼👩💻🧑💻
Do you want to recap the 2-day workshop at #rstudioconf? Or do you feel sad you've missed it?
🔥 All course material incl. latest updates can be found on the workshop webpage—9 sessions, 760 slides, 314 ggplots!
👉 https://rstudio-conf-2022.github.io/ggplot2-graphic-design
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CedScherer/status/1559989331644882944
RT @JonTheGeek@twitter.com
Now that #RStudioConf2022 is over and I've had some time to process, it's time for a 🧵 to look back and summarize my copious notes. Hopefully this can be useful to someone other than just me! #RStudioConf #RStats #PyData
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JonTheGeek/status/1553052783372271618
#rstudioconf2022 #rstudioconf #rstats #pydata
RT @jadeynryan
my first #rstudioconf blew me away with the heart and soul of the #rstats community.
@juliesquid & @minebocek motivating keynote: use open data science and collaboration to bring about the technical & human culture shifts needed to solve the wicked problem of our climate crisis.
RT @CivicAngela@twitter.com
Prolific #rspatial dev @paleolimbot@twitter.com of @voltrondata@twitter.com making the case at #rstudioconf for {geoarrow}: use geoparquet files for reading in spatial data fast! Includes easy transfer across geo software
Maybe I’ll finally be convinced to use @ApacheArrow@twitter.com now… #rstudioconf2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CivicAngela/status/1552672881921884161
#rspatial #rstudioconf #rstudioconf2022
RT @NicholasStrayer@twitter.com
Super excited to share with everyone the two ways I've been developing to make building your shiny app's UI faster, easier, and more pleasant: {gridlayout} and {shinyuieditor} (🧵1/5) #RStudioConf #RStats #rstudioconf2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NicholasStrayer/status/1552715767224930306
#rstudioconf #rstats #rstudioconf2022
Hasta ahora, muchos anuncios interesantes en #RStudioConf 2022 :rstats: #Quarto y #Shiny se hacen más versátiles y multilenguaje. Ya con ganas de jugar con ambos!
new on my #rstats blog: "How to Give an OK Presentation" https://tailrecursion.com/wondr/posts/how-to-give-an-ok-presentation.html inspired by #rstudioconf prep
my #rstudioconf talk about integrating React.js and #rstats Shiny is up! https://resources.rstudio.com/rstudio-conf-2019/integrating-react-js-and-shiny i've had loads of fun working on this and sharing progress was exhilarating