Three Shots for Fall: What You Need to Know | The New York Times | DrWeb's Domain
#COVID-19 #Flu #Influenza #RSV #Shots #The New York Times #Vaccines
#covid #flu #influenza #rsv #shots #the #vaccines
JAMA Patient Page
#RSV Infection in Older Adults
📌 RSV infections typically begin in the fall and peak during the winter. Each year in 🇺🇸, RSV causes about 60 000 to 160 000 hospitalizations, and up to 10 000 deaths in adults older than 60 years
📌 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved 2 new RSV vaccines, Arexvy and Abrysvo. Both vaccines are moderately to highly effective in preventing severe RSV infections in adults aged 60 years or older.
“#Nosocomial transmissions and clusters of cases of #influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (#RSV), human #metapneumovirus, #parainfluenza virus, and other respiratory viruses occur surprisingly frequently.”
#nosocomial #influenza #rsv #metapneumovirus #parainfluenza
Rising cases in Southeast could be start of U.S. RSV season, CDC warns Gift article no paywalls. #vaccines. #RSV #infectiousdisease
#vaccines #rsv #infectiousdisease
🆕 Wochenbericht zur Aktivität akuter respiratorischer Erkrankungen ARE ist online!
📈 Darin u.a. die wichtigsten Kennzahlen und Analysen zu
🔵 #Influenza
🔵 #RSV
🔵 Rhinoviren
„Wohin mit den Luftreinigern? … jetzt werden sie kaum noch gebraucht und sind ein erheblicher Kostenfaktor.“ #WTF
Was ist uns die Gesundheit unserer Kinder wert? Ok, wir kennen schon lange die Antwort.
#CovidIsNotOver #Covid19 #Influenza #RSV
Artikel SHZ, Quelle/Screenshot 👉
#wtf #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #influenza #rsv
Thousands of babies face hospitalisation with life-threatening virus this winter as government delays vaccine | The Independent
#babies #vaccination #ukgov #RCPCH #rsv #respiratorysyncytialvirus #jcvi #flu #mmr #nhs
EU-Kommission lässt Pfizers RSV-Impfstoff für Babys zu #Gesundheit #Top-Thema #Impfung #Pfizer #Babys #Neu #RSV
#rsv #neu #babys #pfizer #impfung #top #gesundheit
Global News BC: ‘Came back with a vengeance’: B.C. doctor urges flu shot as kids return to school #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #pediatricinfectiousdiseasedoctor #BCCentreforDiseaseControl #newCOVID-19variantBA.2.86 #BCChildren'sHospital #Dr.DavidGoldfarb #BCinfluenzaB #influenzaB #BCflushot #BCdoctor #BChealth #Health #bcflu #rsv #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pediatricinfectiousdiseasedoctor #BCCentreforDiseaseControl #newcovid #BCChildren #Dr #bcinfluenzab #influenzab #bcflushot #BCdoctor #BChealth #health #bcflu #rsv #BC
If you're sick in #LosAngeles it is almost certainly #covid
#flu #RSV and #hmpv are non-existent in wastewater samples right now. while covid is rising sharply (yet still at relatively low levels compared to other times in the pandemic)
#losangeles #covid #flu #rsv #hmpv #CovidIsNotOver
The chief of staff of @CHEO asked #Ottawa to #MaskUp in 2022. As an infectious diseases expert, she was shouted down by anti-vax/anti-maskers. As a trustee in #Ottawa, I still receive antisemitic death threats for my motion in Nov 2022 for @OCDSB to temporarily mask.
Facing the triple threat of #COVID and #rsv and #flu, a layered approach is wisest again: #n95, #COVIDVaccine boosters, test, and support ppl to stay home when sick.
#ottawa #MaskUp #COVID #rsv #flu #n95 #COVIDVaccine
@rchusid I’m waiting for the new booster that will come out in September, only had 6 #COVID19 vaccines, last two were bivalent boosters. I get them as soon as they are available. Also will get the #Influenza and #RSV vaccines too. Educated, retired RN and follow the science.
I'm over 60 (72 to be exact) and the Fall shot program for "seniors" has now expanded to 3: Covid, Flu & RSV.
I've already gotten 6 Covid shots (the 2 starters & 4 boosters) but, if you believe what they say on the Net, I'm bascially unprotected now.
So, I'm going to get these 3 shots in Oct, when I get my annual shots & blood tests, and, if appears, that I'll be getting these shots every year to come. 🤷♂️
Fall's vaccine routine didn't have to be this hard- from #TheAtlantic
#theatlantic #COVID #rsv #flu #vaccines #publichealth
Canadian doctors brace for another ‘tripledemic’ – COVID-19, RSV and influenza - National | “doctors say they are bracing for a potential “#tripledemic” of #influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (#RSV) and #COVID19, signalling the imminent arrival of respiratory flu season.”
#tripledemic #influenza #rsv #COVID19
Eigenverantwortlich und sozialkompetent handelnde Menschen werden zum Lügen gezwungen.
Wer positiv getestet, aber symptomfrei ist, muss zur Arbeit.
Über #LongCovid wird auch gar nicht mehr gesprochen, zwar über #Eris und #RSV wieder vermehrt berichtet, aber wer wird schon freiwillig wieder Maske tragen und sich rücksichtsvoll verhalten.
Und das mit den Impfungen...
Der Zug ist sowas von abgefahren.
Passt gut auf Euch auf!🍀
#maskeauf #normalitatssimulation #CovidIsNotOver #rsv #eris #LongCovid
Herbst/Winter (#Covid19, #Influenza, #RSV) Es ist leider wie immer: Patientensicherheit (Gesundheit und Wohlergehen der Patienten) = Bestmöglicher (notwendiger) Infektionsschutz zur Vermeidung von Krankenhausinfektionen (Masken, Tests), spielt für die #DKG Verantwortlichen keine Rolle. #CovidIsNotOver
#COVID19 #influenza #rsv #dkg #CovidIsNotOver
Health #Canada approves 1st #RSV vaccine for adults age 60 and over
Doctors have been calling for an RSV vaccine for seniors because although the virus is common, older people are much more likely to become severely ill and require hospitalization.
Health #Canada approves 1st #RSV vaccine for adults age 60 and over
Doctors have been calling for an RSV vaccine for seniors because although the virus is common, older people are much more likely to become severely ill and require hospitalization.
U.S. health officials lay out plans to cope with respiratory virus season - STAT - We now have vaccines for #COVID19, #Influenza and #RSV which is good.