Quick fix: install #rsyslog. You need to force it's imuxsock plugin to provide /dev/log (under systemd it will by default listen at /run/systemd/journal/syslog) to kick systemd-journald out of the loop. Than you get all you charon logging messages in syslog 🥳
Sorry for the long posts, but it took a while (hours!) to understand how everything is connected (including reading some neutron-vpnaas source code) - maybe it helps someone else getting faster out of this trap. 😅
That feeling when some code your were responsible for years ago is giving you a hard time because you didn’t also have it use other code you were responsible for years ago. And you don’t want to make a PR lest you get sucked back in. #chef #rsyslog #freebsd #subtootingOneself
#subtootingoneself #FreeBSD #rsyslog #Chef
Interessant. Auf #debian wird irgendwie alles doppelt und dreifach geloggt. What the fuck.
Also #rsyslog ist meiner aktuellen Erkenntnis nach total überflüssig, weil das #journald komplett übernimmt.
Viel witziger finde ich aber, dass #rsyslog by default irgendwie alles einmal nach /var/log/syslog schreibt und dann noch mal "themengenau" nach /var/log/xyz.log 🤯
Naja. rsyslog fliegt dann erstmal raus... old garbage.
I think it is amazing when I try to configure #rsyslog to accept #tls via #gtls via #imtcp with #certs on a #ubuntu server. Then when I configure a rsyslog client without any certs configuration, I see this loglines on the rsyslog with certs passing. Weird. Next attempt is to deliver from rsyslog with certs to #logstash with certs. As last option switch to #filebeat
#filebeat #logstash #ubuntu #certs #imtcp #gtls #tls #rsyslog
Interesting #rsyslog behavior today sending logs to @Graylog. Two identical Debian VMs with the same version of rsyslog. Instance 1 could read log files outside of /var/log, instance 2 could not sue to permission issues. I tried all the ACL suggestions I found on the interwebs and the only was that worked was to change the $PrivDropToGroup setting in /etc/rsyslog.conf from "syslog" to a group that could read those files outside of the /var/log directory. Posting here in case this helps someone in the future.
Zum Thema "unnötiges Logging vermeiden" habe ich auf meinen 3 #RaspberryPi Log2Ram installiert. Habe hier https://github.com/jliebich/RaspberryPiNotes/blob/master/log2ram.md was dazu geschieben. Außerdem lohnt es sich den Unterschied von #journalctl und #rsyslog zu verstehen, Mehr dazu hier: https://github.com/jliebich/RaspberryPiNotes/blob/master/logs.md
#raspberrypi #journalctl #rsyslog
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS rsyslog time travel (https://nfsec.pl/root/5843) #ubuntu #rsyslog #linux #bug_from_2015_and_we_have_2016 #twittermigration
#ubuntu #rsyslog #linux #bug_from_2015_and_we_have_2016 #twittermigration
And this is the way to enable actual timestamps #ISO8601 on any system that uses #RSyslog:
Comment OUT (you read that correctly) the “ $ActionFileDefaultTemplate” line in /etc/rsyslog.conf
Use traditional timestamp format.
To enable high precision timestamps, comment out the following line.
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat
I will not investigate which genius thought the default time format was a good idea, because kumbaya.
в підготовці ведикий допис із детальною підказкою з налаштування rsyslog, — сервера й клієнтів. ще не готове, але читабельна чернетка вже є онлайн. комусь тут це взагалі цікаво?
Забавное из мира #linux:
Есть лог, куда пишет #rsyslog. Например, он весит 400кб. Мы делаем truncate -s 0 /var/log/some_log.pipe, после этого команда ls показывает, что размер файла равен 0.
Но как только rsyslog запишет туда хотя бы байт, размер лога, показываемый утилитой ls, возвращается к предыдущему значению - 400кб!
#openSUSE Tumbleweed gets four snapshots this week and brings #rpm, #kde Plasma, #rsyslog, #systemd, #AppStream and more https://news.opensuse.org/2021/10/29/vb-plasma-systemd-update-in-tw/
#appstream #opensuse #systemd #rpm #kde #rsyslog
I'm reading about some of the most boring and surprisingly complex #Unix things: #rsyslog
What I want to remark upon isn't so much all of the things rsyslog does but the fact that some guy, for the last 15 years, has nearly single-handedly decided that his life calling was apparently to make sure that we could all have system log files.
How does that happen? Why does someone decide that the most boring software is now their life's work?
Registros centralizados en Linux con #Rsyslog