@palmoildetectives - over there too (@PalmOilDetect): "The feisty #Fishing #Cat has the highest risk of #extinction of all small #wildcats in SE Asia. They are #vulnerable from #palmoil #deforestation, #hunting and more. Help them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #RT2022 https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/12/01/fishing-cat-prionailurus-viverrinus/ via @palmoildetect" | Nitter | PussTheCat.org – https://nitter.pussthecat.org/PalmOilDetect/status/1618963283100286976#m
#rt2022 #Boycott4Wildlife #BoycottPalmOil #hunting #deforestation #palmoil #vulnerable #wildcats #extinction #Cat #Fishing
RT @PalmOilDetect@twitter.com
Agropalma of #Brazil has been enabled for years from the RSPO's many lobbyists. Meanwhile they continue #humanrights abuses and #landgrabbing for "sustainable" #palmoil. Fight #greenwashing and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #RT2022 https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/11/30/amazon-palm-global-brands-continue-to-source-palm-oil-from-amazon-destroyers-agropalma-bbf/ via @palmoildetect@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PalmOilDetect/status/1610078992408641536
#brazil #humanrights #landgrabbing #palmoil #greenwashing #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #rt2022
RT @VanessaFiji@twitter.com
#RT2022 Palm💰oil kill$ https://twitter.com/PalmOilDetect/status/1597277892907597824
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VanessaFiji/status/1597353181251784710
RT @PalmOilDetect: A #humanrights complaint to the #RSPO about @AgropalmaSA found in favour of Agropalma after 5 years. A member of the complaints panel - Orangutan Land Trust receives funds from Agropalma to push "sustainable" #palmoil #greenwashing
#Boycottpalmoil #RT2022 https://palmoildetectives.com/2022/11/30/amazon-palm-global-brands-continue-to-source-palm-oil-from-amazon-destroyers-agropalma-bbf/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/catherinerowett/status/1597875956009484288
#humanrights #RSPO #palmoil #greenwashing #BoycottPalmOil #rt2022
🌴 We have covered palm oil since 2019. Our dedicated reporting team is committed to fair + balanced reporting on impacts + opportunities of #palmoil.
🤝 We are excited to take our learnings to #RT2022 + build new connections.
🔎 Find out more:
5️⃣ #Palmoil is used in countless products, from the #food you can find in the supermarket🛒, to #cosmetics💄, #paints🎨, #pharmaceuticals💊 and #biofuels⛽.
It is a challenge to meet demand w/o driving #deforestation, #degradation, #biodiversity loss + #social conflict.
#palmoil #food #cosmetics #paints #pharmaceuticals #biofuels #deforestation #degradation #biodiversity #social #rt2022
4️⃣ RSPO members must submit Annual Communications of Progress (ACOP) reports to assess progress towards producing + procuring RSPO-certified #sustainablepalmoil.
There are 4 supply chain models for purchasing #palmoil:
🌴 Identity preserved
🌴 Segregated
🌴 Mass balance
🌴 Book + claim
#sustainablepalmoil #palmoil #transparencymatters #rt2022
3️⃣ The RSPO is a voluntary certification scheme, where accredited third-party auditors assess plantations + #palmoil mills against the RSPO’s Principles & Criteria which cover:
📄 Legality
🌱 Environmental and social responsibilities
💼 Business practices
🔎 Companies are assessed every five years against the Principles & Criteria with annual audits for compliance.
2️⃣ The RSPO is often considered the leading standard for certified #sustainablepalmoil + palm-derived materials for food + oleochemical use.
🌱 The RSPO aims to reduce harmful impacts of #palmoil cultivation on the environment + communities in producing regions.
🌴 Around 20% of global palm oil production is RSPO-certified.
#sustainablepalmoil #palmoil #rt2022 #DYK
1️⃣ Formed in 2004, the RSPO brings together stakeholders from across the global #palmoil industry including:
🌴 Producers
🤝 Processors + traders
🏭 Consumer goods manufacturers
🛒 Retailers
💰 Banks + investors
✊ Environmental + social NGOs
RT @Raiffeisen_DRV: Wir begrüßen @cem_oezdemir auf dem #rt2022. Klares Bekenntnis zur Bedeutung der #Genossenschaften "Genossenschaften sind unverzichtbarer Stützpfeiler der Landwirtschaft. Die Interessen der Genossenschaften will ich explizit in der Agrarpolitik künftig stärker berücksichtigen."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cem_oezdemir/status/1532017876345016325