· @doboprobodyne
28 followers · 607 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

@kkarhan @animemer @thecatcollective

runs servers and computers at and other high-reliability-requirement institutions.

It gave rise to and which I believe windows 10 uses to improve your parents' security online.

was developed for defence application and now runs everything from to signalling networks to

The same is also true for and which drive rockets into space. There are many programs involved in rocketry at the highest levels, both civil and martial.

Perhaps most importantly to parents, these are things you can exploit freely, a torch passed to you by others, free as in speech, a tool to better command whatever hardware you elect to use.

I hope you succeed in providing some food for thought about different ways to achieve success ;)

#opensource #rtems #freertos #autopilots #railway #missiles #dod #ada #libressl #openssh #banks #openbsd

Last updated 1 year ago