> It is especially useful after deleting archives, because only compaction will really free repository space.
One more thing I wish I didn't miss: #orgmode
Compact #Guide:
+ Concise.
+ Informative.
+ Covers all the basics I wanted to clarify.
To be honest, I'm almost pulling me hair out for not getting to it earlier.
#PDF is here: https://orgmode.org/orgguide.pdf
#orgmode #guide #pdf #emacs #rtfm
🍄 AcroInfo n°9 : #RTFM (2/2)
👨💻 Read The F*****g Manual. Et oui, les #informaticiens en ont marre que vous ne lisiez pas le #manuel, et ce depuis longtemps...
❓ Pour Tom, c'était d'abord avec Super #Mario. Et vous, dans quelle situation vous auriez dû lire le manuel plus tôt ?
#rtfm #informaticiens #manuel #mario
Recently I learned (by RTFMing) that all(?) tests in {testthat} support a 'label' argument to produce more verbose error messages.
I've found this handy when I have lots of test inputs and reference results stored in a named lists:
for (nm in names(test)) {
expect_equal(test[[nm]], ref[[nm]], label = nm)
One mailing list article today forced me to find a way to skim through all the thread.
`A T` (`gnus-summary-refer-thread`) fetches all articles in the current thread.
`M-s M-s` (`gnus-summary-search-article-forward`) performs a regexp search forward.
Use `M-s M-r` for backward search.
The search is done once after hitting `RET`. To repeat it, use `M-S` (forward) or `M-R` (backward).
(info "(gnus) Finding the Parent")
(info "(gnus) Searching for Articles")
The #homeassistant community on discord is just amazing.
Had a thinko because I did not Read The Fine Manual (#rtfm) and they just pointed me in the right direction, no snarkyness or anything.
This is getting serial...working on the ferris/sweep. I'm trying to figure out how to get the 2 #proMicro boards to talk over the TRRS. being a newb I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I've put them on a breadboard and wired them up. Each half work indepently, but can't find the other.
I have set the soft_serial_pin to D0
Da MS Teams auch weiterhin an der #JGU #Mainz zum Einsatz kommt, ohne entsprechende Hinweise in irgendeiner Datenschutzerklärung der Uni, sei hier auf einen entsprechenden Artikel von #Mozilla hingewiesen:
Die Problematik liegt auch teilweise an fehlenden Schulungen zur Software und Datenschutz. Bedeutet aber, dass ich euch hier eine Liste an Teams geben kann, in die ihr euch selbst einladen könnt, einfach mit dem Uni-Account einloggen:
#JGU #mainz #mozilla #rtfm #datenschutz
#binneuhier und habe keinen plan wie dieses fedi-dingens hier funktioniert. Würde gerne #rtfm aber finde keines ;)
@Luna it's also paradox that people can't #RTFM when I post the solution to a question about #ElectricPropulsion the same day 🤔
Mein Morgen beginnt direkt mit Troubleshooting mit dem #Nitrokey Pro2 und der Idee, den Stick auf Werkseinstellung zurückzusetzen. Das #rtfm #Manual bei denen liest sich soooo einfach und dennoch sagt mein Stick: no way bitch!.
... und wo ich gerade dabei bin versuche ich nach apt get update 4 Programme zu aktualieren, die zurückgehalten werden und ich finde da noch keinen Weg das zu machen.
Ein normaler Mittwoch
Me: I wish this #Wazuh server had agents for #Arch #Linux so I could put one on my laptop.
Also me after reading all of the Wazuh documentation a couple of days later: Oh look. They have a step-by-step guide on installing from source using #pacman. 🤦
#archlinux #rtfm #pacman #linux #arch #wazuh
gawd, how i hate archwiki
trying again at installing arch - welp, and i once again felt on my skin that ppl behind manual *dont* know how to teach ppl.
i tried to verify signature - error, gnupg aint doin anything. i searched a bit, found several ways of solving it, but my problem got solve immediately after findijg out that if u download torrent file (which i did) U DONT HAVE TO VERIFY IT.
and i have a question: WHY IS IT NOT WRITTEN THERE!? why manual doesnt have written what to do after having problems??
and NO, having to find everything on your own is so fucking idiotic, that i think its a sabotage. its NOT how u teach ppl.
manual and wiki is fucking overwhelming for newbies, and i felt that real hard in april and may, when i tried installing arch for the first time.
edit: to avoid confusion, this problem is known since at least 2020 and was discussed on many forums, many times
#archwiki #rtfm #archlinux #linux #arch
A point not to miss in #orgmode #docs
Org provides methods to create a link in the correct syntax, to insert it into an Org file, and to follow the link.
The main function is 'org-store-link', called with 'M-x org-store-link'. ... It stores a link to the current location. ```
I didn't realize such stored links then suggested for completion on 'M-x org-insert-link` ('C-c C-l`).
A Tip! Try 'org-store-link' with
`(setq org-id-link-to-org-use-id 'use-existing)`
Spending many hours #debugging a very, very simple bug taught me a hard lesson to #RTFM
@Basist @Zabaione @Helga_Fox @skylirabo @uncle_bucky @Kornilova @aznas ну как бы ты принял правила, когда регистрировался на mastodon.ml #rtfm