heh, ja porad spekuluju, jakej venkovni teplomer pouzit, a pritom mam 4 pred barakem
time : 2023-05-05 22:41:29
model : Toyota type : TPMS id : xxxxxxxxx
status : 128 pressure_PSI: 36.250 temperature_C: 13.000 Integrity : CRC
I have set up RTL_433 to receive weather station data directly into Home Assistant. Works great so far, even picking up data from neighbors' weather stations.
Arduino Library Brings rtl_433 to the ESP32 https://hackaday.com/2023/01/13/arduino-library-brings-rtl_433-to-the-esp32/ #Microcontrollers #wirelesssensors #homeautomation #homehacks #ISMband #rtl_433 #mqtt
#Microcontrollers #wirelesssensors #homeautomation #homehacks #ismband #rtl_433 #mqtt
Arduino Library Brings rtl_433 to the ESP32 - If you have an RTL-SDR compatible radio there’s an excellent chance you’ve heard o... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/13/arduino-library-brings-rtl_433-to-the-esp32/ #microcontrollers #wirelesssensors #homeautomation #homehacks #ismband #rtl_433 #mqtt
#mqtt #rtl_433 #ismband #homehacks #homeautomation #wirelesssensors #microcontrollers
Connecting Commercial 433 MHz Sensors to MQTT and Home Assistant with RTL-SDR https://hackaday.com/2022/12/26/connecting-commercial-433-mhz-sensors-to-mqtt-and-home-assistant-with-rtl-sdr/ #WirelessHacks #homehacks #RTL-SDR #rtl_433 #433MHz
#WirelessHacks #homehacks #RTL #rtl_433 #433mhz
Connecting Commercial 433 MHz Sensors to MQTT and Home Assistant with RTL-SDR - When [Elixir of Progress] was looking at setting up environmental sensors around t... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/26/connecting-commercial-433-mhz-sensors-to-mqtt-and-home-assistant-with-rtl-sdr/ #wirelesshacks #homehacks #rtl-sdr #rtl_433 #433mhz
#433mhz #rtl_433 #rtl #homehacks #wirelesshacks
Well I have been putting all this together to take over the roll of what current #RPi3B+ so to that can be used with #AllStar node.
The only way could get #RPi4B was buying it in a kit, but turns out the #ArgonOne is rather nice case with expansion board. It will take over and have a pressure breakout connected to the GPIO and a USB #RTLSDR dongle attached to receive data via #RTL_433 from the WX outdoor unit.
#rtl_433 #rtlsdr #argonone #rpi4b #allstar #rpi3b
The #rtl_433 run continues and finally found a weather sensor. Weird it didn't show up all night till things warmed up a bit. Maybe dying battery needed some more heat to start to transmit? Have temperature and humidity at least now. Would be interesting to plot all temperature readings from the tire sensors and this wx sensor on a graph over time to see how linked they are. Looks like the tire sensors are all >+7C over the real weather sensor #sdr #wx #rtlsdr
Let rtl_433 run last night to see if I could find a new weather station in the neighborhood since the old one went away. Doesn't look to be any new ones in range though thinking I could use lowest tire temperature I see from TPMS tire readings I can pick up. #sdr #rtl_433 #wx
Well now that the basic interface to #rtl_433 weather sensors is done in #visualbasic, time to unclutter it and add some graphics. Wow this house is surrounded by little radio beacons. Picking up a lot of neighbors, too.