Im testing out using an #airspy mini #SDR vs the #RTLSDR v3 on my ADSB system.
I'm all that hard core on #adsb but its nice to corollate the #ACARS testing I do with ADSB data.
As usual with aircraft data, it needs to soak for a week before you can really make any conclusions.
Was a bit surprised to see this Osprey V22 fly past on the map.
#airspy #sdr #rtlsdr #adsb #acars
NOAA 18 late night pass. @NOAA #NOAA #weather #weathersats #APT #LRPT #wxtoimg #rtlsdr #gpredict #raspberrypi 🛰️ 🌍 ⛅
#noaa #weather #weathersats #apt #lrpt #wxtoimg #rtlsdr #gpredict #raspberrypi
Having fun with my new Raspberry Pi 4 and a software-defined radio.
I know now which cars my neighbours drive and what their tyre pressures are, I know that their house burglar alarm is working, and I can see the depth of oil they have in their domestic oil tank!
#rtlsdr #sdr #RaspberryPi #raspi
My at-home repeater project is shaping up to be a monster.
Repeater is three radios. One to rx/tx from my antenna, my qrz-1. One to receive on my end (my uplink) and one to transmit on my end (my downlink), both baofengs.
Then, b/c I don't have a radio that can dual receive that isn't in the repeater assembly, I need one to receive my downlink (using an #RtlSdr), and then a radio to transmit over my up link, my #ft70.
I really need to get a base station.
My at-home repeater project is shaping up to be a monster.
Repeater is three radios. One to rx/tx from my antenna (will likely be tuned to a local repeater), my qrz-1. One to receive on my end (my uplink) and one to transmit on my end (my downlink), both baofengs.
Then, b/c I don't have a radio that can dual receive that isn't in the three-radio repeater constellation, I need one to receive my downlink (using an #RtlSdr), and then a radio to transmit over my up link, my ft70.
A growing project. 🙄
My GNSS logger lends a GPS module. Good opportunity to make both Ublox GPS and OpenLog modular, dunking the small diy Li-ion powerbank.
New module: a USB soundcard, intended for in-ear com recording.
The Zero will get a piggy-back module (status LEDs, recording pushbutton, TTL interface for GPS), connected via my non-patented L connector.
#adsb #rtlsdr #avgeek #raspberrypizero #linux #gentoo
Great Scott!
The last two days I checked the config over and over again. Got the Raspberry Pi Zero W running as access point with static IP, got dnsmasq serving IPs, but never got SSHd up and running.
Finally I discovered that the dump1090 daemon isn't daemonised at all, blocking all following services. 🤦
I see, in the end I'll be writing a new ADS-B daemon from scratch. 🙄
Well, there are some Python modules at by Junzi Sun.
#rtlsdr #avgeek #adsb #linux #gentoo
Rig is finally working as headless access point. After years of udev+dhcpcd usage I needed to learn net config again. 🤫
Dump1090 was running, briefly. I suspect the Zero might not deliver enough amps for the RTL-SDR stick. Rig rebooted when plugging it in at runtime. 🤷
Apropos dum1090: the 9999 live ebuild needs a fix. It tries to install files that are no longer in the repo. Will circumvent it with a local portage repo, and push a patch to upstream.
#rtlsdr #avgeek #adsb #linux #gentoo
Oooh, SNR ratio seems to be indicating my #auto_rx #radiosonde station is performing pretty well, where it can see this radiosonde. #hamradio #rtlsdr
#rtlsdr #hamradio #radiosonde #auto_rx
Ah, caught 3 different radiosondes wandering over the Las Padres National Forest earlier! #radiosondes #hamradio #RTLSDR
#rtlsdr #hamradio #radiosondes
I just deployed my personal APRS iGate using a Raspberry Pi and it successfully pushes the beacons of my HT to the internet. 😁
However, I noticed that the RTLSDR dongle is lacking sensitivity.. Is there a configuration I can do to improve that or do I need something like an LNA? 🤔
Here's a #NOAA page about their 17 satellites in operation. #NESDIS is the program.
and it appears that the #RTLSDR blog has a bunch of current, active coverage of what people are seeing from those birds
I am not sure what hashtags people use so I'm trying a few :)
#wxsat #wx #rtlsdr #nesdis #noaa
Ha! First #radiosonde decode and apparently for this one I have the best position... still decoding while this thing is on the ground... (Forest Service Road... Fillmore, California) #hamradio #SDR #rtlsdr #wx
#wx #rtlsdr #sdr #hamradio #radiosonde
Interesting. I live near a train station and the train seems to interfere when my #rtlsdr receiver.
Ddoe, es i i fryn ger Llangollen. Roedd pethau radio yn digwydd.
Yesterday I went to a hill near Llangollen. Some radio things happened.
I used an SDR to receive signals from a passing weather satellite, and later, decode the signal into an image of the weather conditions overhead.
#amsat #amsatuk #noaa #rtlsdr #sdr #weathersatellite #amateurradio
#amsat #amsatuk #noaa #rtlsdr #sdr #weathersatellite #amateurradio
Any body with any experience with SDRAngel on Linux? I want to decode DMR/DStar/ect but can't find the DSD (Digital Speech Decoder) in any menu. Is there something special I need to do or do I need something specific to do it?
I am using a RTL-SDR v3, and I can get other things to decode like APRS. I just can't figure out how or where the DSD is.
#SDRAngel #SDR #Linux #DMR #Dstar #RTLSDR #APRS #Ham #Radio #decode
#decode #radio #ham #aprs #rtlsdr #dstar #dmr #linux #sdr #sdrangel