new webrtcHacks post: WebRTC cracks the WHIP on OBS - a review of the official addition of #WebRTC to OBS Studio, the long history behind this, how it compares to #RTMP, and what's next.
Aww yeah, time for more hackerman work. 😎
Just set up a custom #RTMP server so I can mix streams from multiple @OBSProject (very remote) sources together for an event. Best part is that it only cost like $10 to do!
Caution streamers!
New OBS update is out!
OBS Studio 29.1 Released With AV1/HEVC Streaming Over Enhanced RTMP - Phoronix
#obsstudio #opensource #streamingnews #av1 #hevc #rtmp
#OBS Studio 在最新的 29.1 Beta 1 加入了#AV1 編碼格式可以透過 #RTMP 協定直播的功能
你能用這個版本的 OBS
透過 AV1 編碼器來進行 #Youtube 直播
雖然現在支援 AV1 的顯卡不少
僅支援「AV1 格式硬體解碼」而非編碼
因此如果真的要用 AV1 來直播
Allen 這邊簡單列舉 AV1 支援列表
僅支援 AV1 編碼 #顯示卡
* #AMD #RDNA2 系列
* AMD #RDNA IGP (移動版 #Ryzen 6000 以後;桌面版 7000 以後)
* #Intel Xe IGP
* #NVidia #AMPERE 系列 (RTX3000系列)
支援 AV1 編碼解碼顯示卡:
* AMD #RDNA3 系列
* Intel #ARC 系列
* NVidia #ADA 系列 (RTX 4000系列)
#obs #av1 #rtmp #youtube #顯示卡 #amd #rdna2 #rdna #ryzen #intel #nvidia #ampere #RDNA3 #arc #ada #Allen講看看 #cpu #台灣Vtuber #vtubers #vtuber #taiwan
ffmpeg -analyzeduration 0 -i "$(yt-dlp -g URL )" -f flv rtmp://otroservidor:1935/live/....
My talk video is online from #fosdem but it’s not quite on the event page about the talk so if you want to watch it you can find it here
Hopefully the linking to it will happen sometime this morning when the automation tasks kick into gear
#fosdem #webrtc #broadcast #srt #rist #rtmp #NDI
Are you looking for a powerful live video marketing system to help you broadcast live to over 30 destinations? Then look no further than the OneStream.Live!
This is the most powerful live video system on the market and can help you interact with your audience.
#onestream #livebroadcasting #youtube #twitch #rtmp
This will definitely come in handy soon...
How to Set Up a Video Streaming Server using Nginx-RTMP on Ubuntu 22.04
#Video #Streaming #Server #Nginx #RTMP #Ubuntu #HowTo #Linux #OpenSource
#video #streaming #server #nginx #rtmp #ubuntu #howto #linux #opensource
rtmp {
server {
listen 1935;
chunk_size 4096;
application live {
live on;
record off;
Save to directory:
application hlslive { #rtmp push stream request path
live on;
hls on;
hls_path /usr/local/nginx/html/;
hls_fragment 3s;
hls_playlist_length 18s;
Hey anyone who understands the concept of RTMP for IRL streaming?...
Because I don´t get it...
<iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
#ImDumb #RTMP #IRLstreaming
@unfa Yeah but if you have a small server this is awesome and supaeasy to re-stream:
So you can #rtmp on YouTube, PeerTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. whatever. Just awesome
cool auf #instagram wird die offiziele #rtmp livestream funktion ausgerollt - bin gespannt wann ich dort live gehen kann
anscheinend wird gerade bei #instagram die #livestream
#rtmp funktion für alle verfügbar gemacht
Please update to datarhei Restreamer 2.4.x, and you will find @peertube as a publication service. #rtmp #peertube #streaming #oss #ffmpeg #restreaming
#rtmp #peertube #streaming #oss #ffmpeg #restreaming
#OBS #Streaming question: Can I set the "Twitch-VOD-Track" (Settings > Output) even when *not* choosing Twitch as the platform (in Settings > Stream). In other words: I want to mark/split audio tracks when using a custom #RTMP server.
My guess "Twitch-VOD-Track" is a convenience setting; but there is a underlying low-level setting than should work with any target platform. Right?
#mixcloud #OwnCast #Twitch #rtmp #Streaming #obs
I think that one is outside my comfort zone from a "active / community contributions" perspective.
If I decide to add #RTMP to #Convene, #Prism is what we'll likely use! It's at the right lower-level tool job; but I am looking for something more fully-featured and end-user facing.
Quick start guide: Use the internal #RTMP server to stream #OBS as an external video source. Via the internal RTMP server in the Restreamer, videos can be streamed live directly from OBS. #multistreaming #restream #how2 #tutoritla #free #oss
#rtmp #obs #multistreaming #restream #how2 #tutoritla #free #oss