Tab Combs · @DrTCombs
2058 followers · 1598 posts · Server

Yet in most US states, turning right on a red light is still allowed by default.

There's no evidence does what it was meant to do: save fuel.

There is evidence that it increases the risks to pedestrians even when (especially when) they are using crosswalks and following traffic signals.

There's widespread acknowledgment that our longstanding focus on traffic flow kills people.

Why are we still turning right on red? This is the lowest of the low hanging fruit. Ban .

#rtor #roadsafety

Last updated 1 year ago

Tab Combs · @DrTCombs
2058 followers · 1596 posts · Server

(the Institute of Transportation Engineers) began recommending (right turn on red) as a fuel saving measure in 1986. ITE rescinded that guidance in September 2019, writing:

"The existing [recommendation] fails to provide a sufficiently robust analysis of the impacts, especially with regards to the potential impacts on the safety of using ."

ITE's full statement on rescinding the RTOR recommendation:


#ITE #rtor #pedestrians #crosswalks

Last updated 1 year ago