On a team of 4, 3 of us have #RTX 3090 video cards or better in our computers that we are using for #AI applications. One person has an M1 #mac I was going to suggest an #eGPU for her, but decided to test it first.
As it turns out, #Apple dropped support for eGPUs. It's a non-option. She'll have to experience AI training at a slower rate.
Noticed my starship prompt was a bit sluggish sometimes. Apparently it was spending some time (180-200ms) getting `python --version` outside of venv via pyenv's shims. Bash shims are usually fine, but performance matters in starship.
Switched to rtx runtime manager and voila, rapid prompt again! Loved rtx so much I've fully migrated from pyenv.
Thanks to @jdx for rtx and @astrojuanlu for recommendations!
Kotaku: Half-Life 2 Will Soon Have Ray-Tracing https://kotaku.com/half-life-2-rtx-mods-release-date-nvidia-pc-1850762462 #gaming #tech #kotaku #deeplearningsupersampling #graphicsprocessingunits #3dcomputergraphics #geforce30series #graphicscards #rileymacleod #raytracing #geforce #nvidia #portal #turing #gpu #rtx
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #deeplearningsupersampling #graphicsprocessingunits #3dcomputergraphics #geforce30series #graphicscards #rileymacleod #raytracing #geforce #nvidia #portal #turing #gpu #rtx
Better raytracing for everyone (provided you have at least an RTX 20-series card)!
Nvidia DLSS 3.5's AI Ray Reconstruction makes ray tracing look even better https://www.pcworld.com/article/2037518/nvidia-dlss-3-5s-ai-ray-reconstruction-makes-ray-tracing-look-even-better.html
#nvidia #dlss #ai #Raytracing #rtx #gamingnews
Kotaku: Immortals Of Aveum Runs Poorly On Even The Best PC https://kotaku.com/immortals-of-aveum-performance-reviews-pc-fps-ps5-1850761516 #gaming #tech #kotaku #graphicsprocessingunits #hpbusinessdesktops #radeonrx5000series #immortalsofaveum #ascendantstudios #electronicarts #graphicscards #markmaratea #september6 #ginatorres #gddr6sdram #ascendant #ethangach #nvidiartx #geforce #radeon #nvidia #amd #gpu #rtx
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #graphicsprocessingunits #hpbusinessdesktops #radeonrx5000series #immortalsofaveum #ascendantstudios #electronicarts #graphicscards #markmaratea #september6 #ginatorres #gddr6sdram #ascendant #ethangach #nvidiartx #geforce #radeon #nvidia #amd #gpu #rtx
Heute schlägts nochmal XIII danach gehts direkt weiter mit Quake 2 Enhanced (vielleicht auch mal kurz RTX?). Wir schauen uns an, wie gut die Enhanced Version rennt und vielleicht rehabilitiert sich das von mir ungeliebte Quake 2 ja im Laufe des Abends.#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitchde #twitch #twitchstream #streamer #twitchstreamer #pc #quake2 #quake2rtx #rtx #quake2enhanced
#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitchde #twitch #twitchstream #streamer #twitchstreamer #pc #quake2 #quake2rtx #rtx #quake2enhanced
Just finished #portal #rtx version. Even tho I’ve beaten portal a billion times it’s still my favorite game.
However I did forget about this gem of a song. It fits the narrative so well.
#gaymer #stillalive #GlaDOS #gaming #gamer #games #steam #valve
#portal #rtx #gaymer #stillalive #GlaDOS #gaming #gamer #games #steam #valve
Just as I am about to start my vacation, this has arrived in #nvidia #geforcenow
#4K #gaming #HDR #RTX #raytracing
#nvidia #geforcenow #doom #4k #gaming #hdr #rtx #raytracing #ripandtear
Python developers that use #rtx, can you create numerous virtual environments in a similar fashion that pyenv-virtualenv can, allowing you to activate environments by name?
My current workflow for #PyQtGraph involves creating many virtual environments (different combinations of dependencies the project supports), and I frequently switch between them.
arriva finalmente il #RTX su #minecraft (anche se pezzotto).
bella mossa renderlo disponibile anche su #xbox ma senza metterci neanche un pack grafico compatibile (free o a pagamento)
#rtx a tool for managing programming language and tool versions
- https://github.com/jdxcode/rtx/blob/main/README.md#about
New developer? Try reading the Beginner's Guide for a gentler introduction.
rtx is a tool for managing programming language and tool versions. For example, use this to install a particular version of node.js and ruby for a project. Using rtx activate, you can have your shell automatically switch to the correct node and ruby versions when you cd into the project's directory. Other projects on your machine can use a different set of versions.
rtx is inspired by asdf and uses asdf's vast plugin ecosystem under the hood. However, it is much faster than asdf and has a more friendly user experience. For more on how rtx compares to asdf, see below.
rtx can be configured in many ways. The most typical is by .rtx.toml, but it's also compatible with asdf .tool-versions files. It can also use idiomatic version files like .node-version and .ruby-version. See Configuration for more (https://github.com/jdxcode/rtx/blob/main/README.md#configuration)
#rtx Polyglot runtime manager (asdf rust clone)
- https://github.com/jdxcode/rtx
- https://github.com/jdxcode/rtx/blob/main/README.md
asdf-compatible - rtx is compatible with asdf plugins and .tool-versions files. It can be used as a drop-in replacement.
Polyglot - compatible with any language, so no more figuring out how nvm, nodenv, pyenv, etc work individually—just use 1 tool.
Fast - rtx is written in Rust and is very fast. 20x-200x faster than asdf.
No shims - shims cause problems, they break which, and add overhead. By default, rtx does not use them—however you can if you want to.
Fuzzy matching and aliases - It's enough to just say you want "v20" of node, or the "lts" version. rtx will figure out the right version without you needing to specify an exact version.
Arbitrary env vars - Set custom env vars when in a project directory like NODE_ENV=production or AWS_PROFILE=staging.
#asdf #rtx #python #node #clone
📱 Quali sono gli Smartphone con il miglior GPS ?
👉 https://gomoot.com/quale-smartphone-ti-fornisce-la-posizione-gps-piu-precisa/
#smartphone #gps #gnns #dualband #galileo #beidou #doppiafrequenza #glonass #rtx #satellite
#smartphone #gps #GNNs #dualband #galileo #BeiDou #doppiafrequenza #glonass #rtx #satellite
To do some warm up for the rumored Q2 Remaster, I've started rolling out a Q2RTX playthrough. / Para ir calentando para el rumoreado remaster de #Quake2 , he empezado a soltar un playthrough de Q2 #RTX. #retrogaming #boomershooter #playthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDu8-zlqcfI
#quake2 #rtx #retrogaming #boomershooter #Playthrough
#Aerotelegraph - Erneut Pratt and Whitney: Airbus A320 Neo bekommen das nächste Triebwerksproblem - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/airbus-a320-neo-bekommen-das-naechste-triebwerksproblem #pratt_whitney #Flugzeuge #a320_neo #airbus #rtx
#Aerotelegraph #pratt_whitney #flugzeuge #a320_neo #airbus #rtx
Discovered a RTX mod for Portal, so had to give that a spin: https://youtu.be/xx8mv1paiOc
#portal #valve #playthrough #rtx #nvidia
Just so you know... Descent also got the Ray Tracing treatment thanks to the students from
the Breda University
/ Para que lo sepais... #Descent también ha recibido #RayTracing gracias a los alumnos de la Universidad de Breda. #rtx #rtxon #retrogaming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eQJKFFEc7E
#descent #raytracing #rtx #rtxon #retrogaming
Good morning #mastodon ☀️
Today I thought to finish installing the #nvidia drivers on #fedora before going to work. So far this feels really/mostly stable!
Gonna try to get the console + grub resolution fixed when i get the chance, but so far so good 🤞🏼
#mastodon #nvidia #fedora #fedoralinux #fedora38 #linux #grub2 #rtx