Its going to come to no surprise that in #London over the last six years the only events where the Metropolitan #Police sought (and gained) clearance for the (potential) use of baton rounds on crowds were those events which were 'black-led'.
Now to be fair they have not actually been used, but the policing of black-led events included the deployment of what are sometimes called #rubberbullets;
Its hard to see how this isn't further proof of institutional #racism (?)
#london #police #rubberbullets #racism
#AmnestyInternational issues 25 rules to protect protesters from misuse of #RubberBullets
Amnesty International has devised 25 rules to try and stop #HumanRights abuses being perpetrated through the improper use of rubber bullets and other projectiles by police and security forces, the organization said today after releasing a report on the rising number of protesters being permanently injured or killed by the misuse of such weapons.
#amnestyinternational #rubberbullets #humanrights
#Police use of #rubberBullets and other #projectiles against #peaceful #protesters has #increased #worldwide , leading to many #injuries and even #death , #AmnestyInternational said on Tuesday.
The group has called for tighter #international #regulation of the trade and use of such equipment, often known as "#lessLethal " #weapons .
#police #rubberbullets #projectiles #peaceful #protesters #increased #worldwide #injuries #death #amnestyinternational #international #regulation #lesslethal #weapons
Amnesty says police use of rubber bullets on the rise
#rubberbullets #police #amnestyinternational
Kinetic-impact projectiles have caused serious harm and death.
Don’t look away—victims have built a powerful case against the misuse of these weapons.
#rubberbullets #Protests2020 #policing #longread #longform
Blinded by a foam-tipped bullet while covering the protests following George Floyd's 2020 killing, Linda Tirado sued the Minneapolis PD.
A grueling, endless trial prep prolonged and worsened her pain.
Ultimately, Tirado settled.
Read her story.
#Journalism #longform #SocialJustice #PoliceReform #RubberBullets #LawEnforcement #LessLethal
#lesslethal #lawenforcement #rubberbullets #policereform #socialjustice #longform #journalism
#DefundThePolice #Netherlands #taseer #RubberBullets
Want ze liegen hun weg naar overbewapening. Zo ging het met het stroomstootwapen, en nu met de rubberkogel.
De politie moet gestopt by all means necessary... De politie is een grote bedreiging voor onze rechtsstaat.
#rubberbullets #taseer #Netherlands #defundthepolice
Shot in the ass by Portland Police Bureau #PPB.
Did you know that #rubberbullets contain huge chunks of metal? I actually thought they were made of rubber!
If an oppessor of 75 years just waltzed into your #Christmas Eve celebration and started assaulting patrons, shooting #stunGrenades and #rubberBullets; again after 75 years of oppression and #landTheft, would you just roll over starfish-style?
Oh and #Google are now labelling commentators criminals. Sounds like the #MinistryOfTruth and #theAlgorithms have it all worked out.
#genocide #naziIsrael #botcottIsrael #deleteGoogle #boycottGoogle #botcottUSA #boycottUSD
#christmas #stunGrenades #rubberbullets #landTheft #google #ministryoftruth #theAlgorithms #genocide #NaziIsrael #botcottIsrael #deletegoogle #boycottgoogle #botcottUSA #BoycottUSD