For #PollinatorWeek: This is a hard carved, hand printed Lino block print with collaged Japanese washi papers of a clump of black-eyed susans (Rudbeckia hirta) with a cone flower (Echinacea) & a monarch butterfly. These beautiful wildflowers are garden favourites popular with the pollinators.
Plant native species- they are easy to grow & support native pollinators!
#linocut #printmaking #coneFlower #echinacea #rubeckia #blackEyedSusan #wildflowers #monarchButterfly #garden #sciart #MastoArt
#pollinatorweek #linocut #printmaking #coneflower #echinacea #rubeckia #blackeyedsusan #wildflowers #monarchbutterfly #garden #sciart #mastoart