The Guardian has a good write-up with the latest on Luis Rubiales. Many protest resignations. Even the 2 NT coaches are changing their support (altho both of them should resign too). #seacabo is catching on, the translation of which is “It’s Over”. #rubialesout
World Cup kiss becomes football’s #MeToo moment
Luis Rubiales agrede a mujeres ante el mundo entero mirando. ¿Qué hace a puerta cerrada? Si no detiene ese comportamiento, se propagará. Por favor protejan y respeten a La Roja. Prohibición de Luis Rubiales del deporte.
Angry about Luis Rubiales refusal to resign as RFEF Prez? Submit your complaint to the Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) of Spain's Ministerio de CUltura y Deporte and urge they remove him. #RubialesOut #womenssoccer #wwc2023
#rubialesout #womenssoccer #WWC2023
#seacabo #rubialesout #rubialesdimision #rubialesdestitucion
Espanjan maailmanmestarit lakkoilevat."
Ei voi lähettää tarpeeksi usein, tämä on asennetta. Maailmanmestareita jokaisella tasolla🔥🏆
It's both a fantastic and a sad move at the same time: the team spirit of the national soccer teams of #Spain is overwhelming and then it is a catastrophe that there is the need to stand together like this.
But why should this remain an issue of Spain?
"In union there is strength," as
#aesop put it. So why don't the other #uefa teams join the players' strike?
#fckrubiales #rubiales #rubialesout #hermoso #fckmysogyny #againstracism and #discrimination
#discrimination #againstracism #fckmysogyny #hermoso #rubialesout #rubiales #fckrubiales #uefa #aesop #Spain
Borja Iglesias tritt aus Protest aus der spanischen Nationalelf aus.
So geht das mit dem Feminismus!
#feminism #hermoso #rubialesout
"Spaniens Weltmeisterinnen treten in den Streik."
Kann nicht oft genug gepostet werden, das ist Haltung. Weltmeisterinnen auf jeder Ebene🔥🏆
The Spanish men's team better step up or they can fuck all the way off
Gute, einfühlsame Reaktionen und natürlich auch das Gegenteil. Von wem, ist keine große Überraschung. Ich verrate nur so viel, dass diese ausgewählten hier alle von privilegierten, zufällig auch alten weißen, Männern kommen.
#RubialesOut #SupportHermoso
Sexually assaulted within half an hour of becoming a world champion. Being a woman must be fucking exhausting I stg. #RubialesOut and fucking #VildaOut while we're at it.