Und noch was gelernt -> Hintergrund wie es zur Komposition des #Bolero kam.
Ida #Rubinstein wollte eine Komposition zu ihrem Tanz bei dem sie von 20 Jünglingen umschwärmt wird. Hat da Madonna etwa abgekupfert?
Aufnahme von 1932 - wow!
Right now, Winners Concert of the Arthur #Rubinstein International Piano #Competition from Tel Aviv https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/winners_concert_of_the_arthur_rubinstein_international_piano_competition_from_tel_aviv/74955/ #wch
In 20 minutes, Winners Concert of the Arthur #Rubinstein International Piano #Competition from Tel Aviv https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/winners_concert_of_the_arthur_rubinstein_international_piano_competition_from_tel_aviv/74955/ #wch
Today, Winners Concert of the Arthur #Rubinstein International Piano #Competition from Tel Aviv https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/winners_concert_of_the_arthur_rubinstein_international_piano_competition_from_tel_aviv/74955/ #wch
Right now, Final of the 17th Arthur #Rubinstein International #Piano Competition from Tel Aviv (and II) https://pst.cr/UcQkR #wch
Today, Final of the 17th Arthur #Rubinstein International #Piano Competition from Tel Aviv (and II) https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/final_of_the_17th_arthur_rubinstein_international_piano_competition_from_tel_aviv_and_ii/74834/ #wch
El próximo día 31 de marzo #Filmax estrenará #TinYTina, ópera prima de #RubinStein, un thriller religioso con tintes de terror del que ya podemos disfrutar del tráiler oficial.
Más información en: https://noescinetodoloquereluce.com/2023/02/tintina-trailer-oficial.h
El próximo día 31 de marzo, coincidiendo con el Viernes de Dolores, Filmax estrenará #TinYTina, ópera prima de #RubinStein, un thriller religioso con tintes de terror protagonizado por #MilenaSmit y #JaimeLorente
#tinytina #rubinstein #milenasmit #jaimelorente
Schoonheid voor de avond.
#Music #ClassicalMusic #MusicHeals #NowPlaying #Rubinstein
'Anton Rubinstein - Cello Concerto No. 2, Op. 96 (1874)' op YouTube https://youtu.be/zF4Z8y1_uf0
#music #classicalmusic #MusicHeals #nowplaying #rubinstein
RT @PLInst_Paris
28/01/1887 est né à Łódź Artur #Rubinstein, grand pianiste. Pour l'ouverture de la conférence de l’ONU en 1945, il commence son concert ainsi
« ll manque ici le drapeau polonais. Je ne peux l'accepter, je vais jouer l'hymne polonais, veuillez-vous lever. »
Good night with A. Rubinstein who died otd in 1982.💫
@classicalmusic #MondscheinSonate #Rubinstein #Beethoven
#mondscheinsonate #rubinstein #Beethoven
https://youtu.be/ekgmYgkgdtg #Chekhov's favorite piece of music- #Nocturne in G major by #Chopin here performed by #Rubinstein #classicalMusic https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60320713-chekhov-becomes-chekhov
#chekhov #nocturne #chopin #rubinstein #classicalmusic
Neues vom #Schwätzer
#Steigerung des #Lustgewinn, wenn #Belohnung wie #Schokolade nicht gegessen wird, weil dann ist sie weg, sondern wenn #stattdessen auf die #Vorstellung davon ausgewichen wird, die #Schokolade zu #genießen.
#Virtualität als #Steigerung des #Genuss(es) ohne die #schädlich(en) #Folge(n) des #Fressen von #Schokolade wie #Fettleibigkeit, #Diabetes, etc.
#Bazon #Brock nach Sergei #Leonidowitsch #Rubinstein - #Gymnastik gegen das #Habenwollen
#Schwätzer #steigerung #Lustgewinn #belohnung #schokolade #stattdessen #vorstellung #genießen #Virtualität #genuss #schädlich #folge #fressen #Fettleibigkeit #diabetes #Bazon #Brock #Leonidowitsch #rubinstein #Gymnastik #Habenwollen #virtuell
Revised #introduction to reflect the state of my languages. 😋
I'm an amateur classical #pianist. Started learning properly at 34 and still going strong. Love Frédéric #Chopin. Admire Arthur #Rubinstein and Emil #Gilels, and am trying to model my playing on them (arrogant, I know 😅).
I love #cats and am enslaved to two of them. Love #sea, #sailing ships & books about sea adventures. #NaNoWriMo & fountain pens enthusiast.
I speak #Russian, #English, some #Romanian, and now study #Italian.
#italian #romanian #english #russian #nanowrimo #sailing #sea #cats #gilels #rubinstein #chopin #pianist #introduction
The worst thing about silent #piano practice is that in my head I hear #Rubinstein play the notes I touch, and that does no good to my self esteem. As in, I fall into the illusion that I might be better than I actually am. :)
Today was a rather quiet and unstressful day. Well, except for a 1 hour power outage in the morning and a server that didn't come up after that, which I didn't notice for several hours. :)
But I digress. :)
So. A nice sleepy day, very relaxed. And at some point, when I was moving around the office, I caught myself humming unconsciously along a very familiar melody that kept playing in my head. So I stopped and paid attention.
And it was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu48Z45ibxQ