When you hear the phrase, "within living memory," #RubyBridges and #EmmettTill are two examples.
#rubybridges #emmetttill #carolynbryant
🏫 https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/barbara-henry-ruby-bridges-video
There at William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans, first-grade teacher #BarbaraHenry “created a safe haven for Ruby at school—and taught her every subject alone. Despite the masses against them, they had a good year.”
#video #teacher #teachers #history #Americanhistory #RubyBridges #education #civilrights #educators
#barbarahenry #video #teacher #teachers #history #americanhistory #rubybridges #education #civilrights #educators
The parents’ rights movement is the “institutionalization of the heckler’s veto, in which a single parent—or any individual, really—can remove hundreds of #books or shut down lessons on the basis of that one person’s political discomfort…some parents have the right to dominate all others.” #censorship #FirstAmendment #RubyBridges https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/28/opinion/parents-rights-republicans-florida.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
#rubybridges #firstamendment #Censorship #Books
This is really getting ridiculous!
Or rather reprehensible!
Talk about #CancelCulture!
“Parents in #Florida’s Pinellas School District are apparently outraged over the screening of Disney’s “#RubyBridges,” a film that depicts the true story of a 6-year-old’s brave and historical integration in the 1960s at a predominantly white elementary school in New Orleans, Louisiana.
@HuffPost #Disney #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth
#cancelculture #florida #rubybridges #disney #blm #blacklivesmatter #blackhistorymonth
When a school bans a Disney video, I think we all should share the link.
Think if Disney could put it out for free on the net? That would be a statement, wouldn't it.
Guess the lady who complained about it will be really proud to have given is such a huge audience. 😉
"This month, an elementary school in St. Petersburg, Fla., stopped showing a 1998 Disney movie about Ruby Bridges...
In this case, a single objecting parent is apparently enough to have a lesson about our very recent history questioned or even banned.
Remember: Bridges isn’t some ancient figure in a dusty textbook, she’s alive and well today. She’s 12 years younger than my own mother."
#florida #Racism #ruby #rubybridges #disney #movies
"This month, an elementary school in St. Petersburg, Fla., stopped showing a 1998 Disney movie about Ruby Bridges...
In this case, a single objecting parent is apparently enough to have a lesson about our very recent history questioned or even banned. Remember: Bridges isn’t some ancient figure in a dusty textbook, she’s alive and well today. She’s 12 years younger than my own mother."
#florida #Racism #ruby #rubybridges #disney #movies
#Banning of “Ruby Bridges” movie portends an era of bedlam in Florida’s schools (you think?) #FirstAmendment #censorship #RubyBridges #education #facts #reality https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/29/opinion/florida-school-disney-ruby-bridges.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
#reality #Facts #Education #rubybridges #Censorship #firstamendment #banning
@juddlegum It took "P-Grabbing" Donald Trump to turn Disney (MF'ing *Disney*) into a subversive corporation whose biographies need "government approval" before they may be shown to children. #RubyBridges #CancelCulture #RWInsanity #RWRacism #WhiteWoke
#rubybridges #cancelculture #rwinsanity #rwracism #whitewoke
The parent reportedly thought the Disney movie based on a true civil rights story would “teach white children to hate Black children.”
#News #Florida #extremism #Politics #RonDeSantis #stopwokeact #CivilRights #History #rubybridges #RACISM #education #disney
#News #florida #extremism #politics #rondesantis #stopwokeact #civilrights #history #rubybridges #racism #education #disney
Meanwhile, in Florida...
"The Disney movie “Ruby Bridges,” which tells the tale of a 6-year-old who integrated New Orleans schools in the 1960s, has been a staple of Pinellas County Black History Month lessons for years.
A North Shore Elementary parent who would not allow her child to watch the film when it was shown in early March later complained that it wasn’t appropriate for second graders. In a formal challenge dated March 6, Emily Conklin wrote that the use of racial slurs and scenes of white people threatening Ruby as she entered a school might result in students learning that white people hate Black people.
Pinellas school officials responded by banning the movie from use by all students at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can assess it."
I have no words for this bullsh*t. Hiding "uncomfortable" history from children is how we end up with ignorant adults.
"If little #RubyBridges was strong enough to survive it...Your child is strong enough to learn about it!"
A movie that's not "ᴀᴘᴘʀᴏᴘʀɪᴀᴛᴇ" for second graders, but Ruby Bridges was 6 years old when she actually had to 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲 it.
The #Disney movie “Ruby Bridges” has been removed from use at a Florida school until a review committee can assess it after a parent complained that the movie “might teach white children to hate Black children”.
Removal of ‘#RubyBridges’ film from Pinellas, Florida school sparks outrage.
This is getting ridiculous! Stop being ignorant!
https://tampabay.com/news/education/2023/03/27/removal-ruby-bridges-film-pinellas-school-sparks-outrage/ via
I see lots of proper names mentioned here except for the paren/complainant. Do these complaints get lodged anonymously? Why? #RubyBridgeshttps://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2023/03/27/removal-ruby-bridges-film-pinellas-school-sparks-outrage/
Reading the story of #rubybridges (again) and the fact that Federal Marshals had to escort a six-year-old first grader to school less than 100 years ago is so fucked up. If you cannot understand why it never should have been that way…there really is no help for you. #blackhistory #BlackHistoryMonth #blackhistoryisamericanhistory #stopmakinghistorycomfortableforwhitekids
#rubybridges #blackhistory #blackhistorymonth #blackhistoryisamericanhistory #stopmakinghistorycomfortableforwhitekids
Ruby Bridges: la niña que desafió la segregación racial en las escuelas blancas
Ruby Nell Bridges es uno de esos iconos de la lucha por los Derechos C
#Historia #ReferentesNegros #afrodescendientes #Afroféminas #afrofeminas #afrofeminismo #antirracismo #Brown #derechosciviles #diáspora #discriminación #EstadosUnidos #mujernegra #racismo #RubyBridges #segregaciónracial
#historia #referentesnegros #afrodescendientes #afrofeminas #afrofeminismo #antirracismo #brown #derechosciviles #diaspora #discriminacion #estadosunidos #mujernegra #racismo #rubybridges #segregacionracial
Voici Ruby Bridges, âgé de 6 ans, escorté par les U.S. Marshals à l'école en 1960. Elle est connue pour être le premier enfant noir à fréquenter une école élémentaire entièrement blanche dans le sud.
#rubybridges #segregation #racism #blacklivesmatter #civilrights #blm #blackhistory #slavery #equality #americanhistory #usa #america #whitesupremacy #whiteprivilege #unitedstates #lynching #africanamerican #racisminamerica #beingblackinamerica #democracy #1960 #historyinpictures
#rubybridges #segregation #racism #blacklivesmatter #civilrights #blm #blackhistory #slavery #equality #americanhistory #usa #america #whitesupremacy #whiteprivilege #unitedstates #lynching #africanamerican #racisminamerica #beingblackinamerica #democracy #historyinpictures
"Civil rights icon Ruby Bridges made history as the first Black student to attend an all-white school in 1960, and now she’s sharing her inspirational story through a new children’s book"
#BlackHistory #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #AmericanHistory #Books #BlackAuthors #BlackWomen #Literature #Autobiography #RubyBridges
#rubybridges #autobiography #literature #blackwomen #blackauthors #books #americanhistory #blackmastodon #blacktwitter #blackhistory
Ruby Bridges is exactly the same age as my sister. This is not the distant past, it is part of our 'now'. And if we're complacent, it will happen again. White folk, we can't be passive - doing the right thing takes effort. Don't be a bystander, be an upstander. #RubyBridges #TeacherLife #Racism
#rubybridges #teacherlife #racism