Had a great weekend in #Chattanooga visiting #RubyFalls #InclineRailway and #RockCity
#rockcity #inclinerailway #rubyfalls #Chattanooga
Ruby Falls, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Pixel 4a5G, with mild corrections via Google Photos
#waterfallwednesday #rubyfalls
So Waterfall Wednesday is a thing too? Here's my contribution, taken way back in October of 2006.
Ruby Falls is a underground waterfall in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
If I recall correctly this was taken with my old Sony Mavica MVC-CD250 that wrote files to mini CD-R/RW discs. Boy, tech sure has changed since then.
#WaterfallWednesday #WaterFall #UndergroundWaterall #RubyFalls #SonyMavica #Chattanooga
#chattanooga #SonyMavica #rubyfalls #undergroundwaterall #waterfall #waterfallwednesday
Also finally got my back issues 2&3 of #RubyFalls (I already had 1&4, though I held back on reading 4 because spoilers). Overall I really liked it! On the negative side there were several spots where the plot felt a little awkward and hard for me to follow. I think it was trying to be subtle and I just missed it. But I liked the concept a lot, and I found the characterization great, so I'm happy to forgive the rest.
Over lunch today I read issue 1 of #RubyFalls from Ann Nocenti and Flavia Biondi, and I'm really looking forward to finding the rest. Modern small-town noir, the reliability of memory (cw dementia), queer undertones. Super here for it.