If you don't remember, the #RubyPrincess was one of the infamous #plague ships from the beginning of the #pandemic. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-51999845
#rubyprincess #plague #pandemic
Ah, the #RubyPrincess, we meet again. #dent #accident #SanFrancisco #cruise #cruising #ship https://abc7news.com/ruby-princess-cruise-sf-pier-crash-san-francisco-collision-27/13472802/
#rubyprincess #dent #accident #sanfrancisco #cruise #cruising #ship
Ha ha, 300 passengers/crew sick on my favorite pandemic-era cruise ship, the #RubyPrincess (norovirus this time, not COVID) https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/300-passengers-and-crew-fall-ill-on-ruby-princess-cruise-from-texas/ar-AA18pYxg
Why is @D_LittleproudMP@twitter.com, the man who as Minister for Biosecurity allowed the #RubyPrincess to dock and disembark, commenting on pre-flight Covid testing for passengers from China? He should be hiding in shame. #auspol