🪷 #SuperMoon: Wear your #rubyslippers! #Rubies and #garnet enhance romantic energies of tonight's big #Pisces #fullmoon, the #Homotheosis Moon of #Antinous #MoonMagic, says #Antinous Priest and certified crystals advisor #MartinCampbell. See how here: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/08/red-rubies-for-homotheosis-moon-by-our.html 🪷
#supermoon #rubyslippers #rubies #garnet #pisces #fullmoon #homotheosis #antinous #moonmagic #martincampbell
Maybe we'll all finally get details about the 2005 theft (and 2018 recovery) of Judy Garland ruby slippers from "Wizard of Oz."
#classicmovies #Movies #movie #rubyslippers #wizardofoz #judygarland #classicfilm #oldhollywood
#oldhollywood #classicfilm #judygarland #wizardofoz #rubyslippers #movie #Movies #classicmovies
Maybe we'll all finally get details about the 2005 theft (and 2018 recovery) of Judy Garland ruby slippers from "Wizard of Oz."
#classicmovies #Movies #movie #rubyslippers #wizardofoz #judygarland #classicfilm #oldhollywood
#oldhollywood #classicfilm #judygarland #wizardofoz #rubyslippers #movie #Movies #classicmovies
Um... wait... what?
Poorly crafted headline of the week, from today's The Guardian.
.... And what he was doing with those slippers since 1939 I'll never know....
#syntaxplease #headline #rubyslippers #wizardofoz
"The road to the missing slippers began when a man told the shoes' insurer in 2017 that he could help get them back. After a nearly year-long investigation, the FBI nabbed the shoes in Minneapolis in July 2018. At the time, the bureau said no one has been arrested or charged in the case."
Man Indicted in Theft of 'Wizard of Oz' Ruby Slippers Worn by Judy Garland
https://news.yahoo.com/man-indicted-stealing-wizard-oz-183830892.html Yahoo! News via AP
Photo: AP/Jeff Baenen
#RubySlippers #WizardOfOz #TheWizardOfOz #JudyGarland #Movies
#rubyslippers #wizardofoz #thewizardofoz #judygarland #movies
The ruby slippers (one of my favourite mosaics) I have a tattoo of these beauties #mosaic #rubyslippers #wizardofoz
#mosaic #rubyslippers #wizardofoz