R for 36 days of type.
Animated in #Cavalry
#36daysoftype #36days_r #cavalry #36daysoftype10 #VariableFont #rubytwist #delay
O for 36 days of type.
Animated in Dinamo Font Gauntlet https://fontgauntlet.com
#36daysoftype #36days_o #36daysoftype10 #VariableFont #rubytwist #fontgauntlet
O for 36 days of type.
Animated in Dinamo Font Gauntlet https://fontgauntlet.com
#36daysoftype #36days_o #36daysoftype10 #VariableFont #rubytwist #fontgauntlet
O for 36 days of type.
Animated in Dinamo Font Gauntlet https://fontgauntlet.com
#36daysoftype #36days_o #36daysoftype10 #VariableFont #rubytwist #fontgauntlet
J for 36 days of type.
If you always thought, a J is noting but a turned around peppermint stick, we’ve got you!
Ruby Twist is another #variable typeface we have been cooking up and @romainmarc has been working on lately.
#36daysoftype #36days_j #variable #36daysoftype10 #VariableFont #rubytwist