Hey #rubyunconf you can find the Miro board I used for my engineering manager skilltree talk over here 👉 https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMUfegho=/ If you want to talk about any of that, I’d be happy to chat! #rubyunconfeu2023
IMO two most important links for foreign #rubyunconf attendees
https://www.hvv.de/en https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Hamburg (this one is from Unconf web and seems to have it all)
I know I'm super late with this but if you're attending @rubyunconf tomorrow and you have a travel mug or any form of reusable coffee cup, please bring.
For organisational reasons we were unable to provide reusable cups at the event this time. (Crappy, I know)
I'll bring everything I can find tomorrow so find me (will be easy, I'm MCing) for one to borrow if you want to.
Please Boost.
Hey everyone visiting #RubyUnconf @rubyunconf , which hotel are you all staying at?