Turns out post conference blues and packing for summer vacation is not a super brilliant combo.
One the other hand: post conference blues. Didn't have to write these words in a long time. #rubyUnconfEU2023
One thing we discussed during the pizza feedback session is that the speaker diversity was abysmal this year, but it never has been super great at unconferences in particular. It's a tough nut to crack for a variety of reasons, but I think we need to do something about that and if we do this again next year, I think I would like to focus on that particular problem. #rubyUnconfEU2023 #diversity #DoTheWork
#rubyunconfeu2023 #diversity #DoTheWork
Done for today. I decided against the party tonight, my social capital is spent. See you all tomorrow.
I won't have a talk to prepare tomorrow so hopefully a bit more time for interactions. Ama about #coffee and #DependencyManagement. #rubyunconfeu2023 😂😬
#coffee #dependencymanagement #rubyunconfeu2023
Hey #rubyunconf you can find the Miro board I used for my engineering manager skilltree talk over here 👉 https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMUfegho=/ If you want to talk about any of that, I’d be happy to chat! #rubyunconfeu2023
The early bird runs a bit late this morning.
See y'all later at #rubyunconfeu2023
On my way to Hamburg, #RubyUnconfEU2023 begins tomorrow. (@ NWB RS30 ➜ Bremen Hbf) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/1100130
#rubyunconfeu2023 #nowtrawelling