Ya llegó mi #flormarciana #yujuuuuuuu #ruda #rutagraveolens
#flormarciana #yujuuuuuuu #ruda #rutagraveolens
:Wumpscut: #Ruda. Damals die Reaktion von :Wumpscut:/Rudolf Ratzinger darauf dass die Boulevardmedien (allen voran die #HaltdieFresseSpringerpresse) dem Projekt die Schuld an den kranken Taten der Eheleute Ruda zuschanzen wollten. Die Musik ist nicht Schuld. Weder :Wumpscut: an den Taten in Witten noch Goethes Erben am Werdegang von Möbus (Absurd).
#HaltDieFresseSpringerPresse #ruda
“The term #fatalism designates the assumption that the worst has already happened. It functions as a foil. My argument resembles what Jean-Pierre Dupuy calls “enlightened doom-saying.” Assuming that a final (for example, ecological) catastrophe capable of ending the present order of things is our destiny might retroactively change the conditions of possibility of this very destiny. It may retroactively make it possible to change what appears to us as fate."
- Abolishing Freedom, Frank #Ruda
Buen libro
#libro #lectura #lector #discpacidad #silla #paralisis #cerebral #retraso #mental #dificiencia #epilepcia #hiperactividad #sindrome #ruda #amor #lealtad #dios #camino #loquehay #valorar
#libro #lectura #lector #discpacidad #silla #paralisis #cerebral #retraso #mental #dificiencia #epilepcia #hiperactividad #sindrome #ruda #amor #lealtad #dios #camino #loquehay #valorar
لـ عذرإل بن بنصره و حيو رضو
𐪁 𐪒𐪙𐪇𐪑𐪁 𐪈𐪌 𐪈𐪌𐪎𐪇𐪀 𐪅 𐪂𐪚𐪅 𐪇𐪓𐪅
By ʿḏrʾl son of Bnṣrh and prolong life Rḍw
#safaitic #inscription #epigraphy #oldarabic #arabic #pagan #paganism #rdw #god #arabian #ruda #ancient #script
#safaitic #inscription #epigraphy #oldarabic #arabic #pagan #paganism #rdw #god #arabian #ruda #ancient #script