The LezWatch.TV show of the day is "Rude Awakening," with 1 character and a show score of 50.00 #LWTVsotd #RudeAwakening -
Furry alarm clock won’t be denied. (but doesn’t care for flash photography in her face) Guess that’s the end of sleep for me. Happy Saturday, y’all! #mochislifeishard #furryalarmclock #flashphotography #rudeawakening #jackchi #dogsofmastodon #mastodog
#mochislifeishard #furryalarmclock #flashphotography #rudeawakening #jackchi #dogsofmastodon #mastodog
#RudeAwakening s1e12 (1998) - 9/10
Solid blend of comedy and drama.
1️⃣ Billie comes down from her acid trip - previous episode - just before getting her 60 day chip at Addictions Anonymous.
2️⃣ Lots of lying to herself, and lying to others. All difficult to watch, because we (the audience) like her.
3️⃣ Eventually, she is dragged kicking and screaming towards real character growth.
@EdwinG Yes……thankfully, we can access masks, though, not much fun in the summer heat.
it’s a #rudeawakening either way.
For May-June 2023, my #ClassicTV #WatchList looks something like this:
#AcapulcoHEAT #Batman #BostonBlackie #Branded #TheBurningZone #HarryO #Highlander #HillStreetBlues #ItTakesAThief #KungFuTheLegendContinues #MagnumPI #McCloud #MikeHammer #MissionImpossible #MollyDodd #RudeAwakening #TheStreetsOfSanFrancisco #30Rock #Vegas #Viper
#ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision
#90sTV #80sTV #70sTV #60sTV #40sMovies
#classictv #watchlist #acapulcoheat #batman #bostonblackie #branded #theburningzone #harryo #highlander #hillstreetblues #ittakesathief #kungfuthelegendcontinues #magnumpi #mccloud #mikehammer #missionimpossible #mollydodd #rudeawakening #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #30rock #vegas #viper #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv #40smovies
For April, my #ClassicTV watchlist looks something like this:
#FridayThe13th #BarneyMiller #HighwayPatrol #TheOddCouple #Cheers #NightCourt #AreYouBeingServed? #Werewolf #TalesFromTheCrypt #Columbo #FernwoodTonight #FamousFive #Isis #30Rock #Highlander #ForeverKnight #Frasier #Batman #FalconCrest #RudeAwakening #MollyDodd #MagnumPI #MikeHammer #HarryO #TheStreetsOfSanFrancisco
#ClassicTV #ClassicTelevision
#90sTV #80sTV #70sTV #60sTV #50sTV
#classictv #fridaythe13th #barneymiller #highwaypatrol #theoddcouple #cheers #nightcourt #areyoubeingserved #werewolf #talesfromthecrypt #Columbo #fernwoodtonight #FamousFive #isis #30rock #highlander #foreverknight #frasier #batman #falconcrest #rudeawakening #mollydodd #magnumpi #mikehammer #harryo #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv #50stv
#Journal, Day 1103
Monday, 27 March 2023
#rudeawakening #wfh #filmandtv
#weddinganniversary #anothershooting
#journal #rudeawakening #wfh #filmandtv #warehousemanagement #weddinganniversary #anothershooting
For March, my #ClassicTV watchlist looks something like this:
#GvsE #Two #30Rock #JustShootMe! #Benson #TheHardyBoys #Catweazle #TheNewAvengers #ThisIsDavidLander #Riptide #WarOfTheWorlds #Gargoyles #MisfitsOfScience #McMillanAndWife #Werewolf #TheHunger #FalconCrest #RudeAwakening #MollyDodd #TheDaysAndNightsOfMollyDodd #IDreamOfJeannie #TJHooker #Fernwood2Night #ForeverKnight
#classictv #gvse #two #30rock #justshootme #benson #thehardyboys #catweazle #thenewavengers #thisisdavidlander #riptide #waroftheworlds #gargoyles #misfitsofscience #mcmillanandwife #werewolf #thehunger #falconcrest #rudeawakening #mollydodd #thedaysandnightsofmollydodd #idreamofjeannie #tjhooker #fernwood2night #foreverknight #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv
@tom #thicktruththursday is going to be a #rudeawakening for them
#thicktruththursday #rudeawakening