David · @DavidWhite
15 followers · 119 posts · Server poweredbygay.social

RANT: I have absolutely had it with all of these in the . Don't they know ? If they are unable to do as such, they have .

#rudepeople #world #howtobenice #and #howtobepatient #norighttostayonthisearth

Last updated 2 years ago

David White · @Verysingle
2 followers · 5 posts · Server super-gay.co

I am so tired of . I am to this thing and people expect me to learn the on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as and as they are!

#rudepeople #verynew #mastodon #socialmediaplatform #patience #callous #vile #peoplearesorude #dontcrossme #gobacktoelementaryschool

Last updated 2 years ago

DaveM · @DaveMW
3 followers · 58 posts · Server mastodon.world

I am so tired of . I am to this thing and people expect me to learn the on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as and to them as they are to me!

#rudepeople #verynew #mastodon #SocialMediaPlatform #patience #callous #Vile #peoplearesorude #dontcrossme #gobacktoelementaryschool #aneyeforaneye

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave · @Dave300
21 followers · 83 posts · Server mas.to

I am so tired of . I am to this thing and people expect me to learn the on the first day. Didn't their mommies ever teach them AT ALL when they were growing up? If they're mean to me, I can be just as and as they are!

#gobacktoelementaryschool #dontCrossMe #peoplearesorude #vile #callous #patience #SocialMediaPlatform #Mastodon #verynew #rudepeople

Last updated 2 years ago

AnnFromMEandMA · @AnnFromMEandMA
143 followers · 1000 posts · Server mstdn.party

No people aren't in a bad mood, they just think you absolutely suck when you Facetime on public transportation.

#facetime #rudepeople #mannersarefree

Last updated 2 years ago

Zimbobble 💎 · @zimbobble
26 followers · 95 posts · Server mastodon.nz

So if you're out and about shopping with friends, please resist the urge to walk four or five abreast down the aisles, forcing other shoppers to weave around you. You're not in the opening credits for a police procedural.

#justahint #CSI #rudepeople

Last updated 2 years ago

If you're working today or tomorrow, my condolences but know that: I appreciate you and am sorry that you have to... And also, I apologize on behalf of all the a$$holes you'll probably have to deal with, because I am not an a$$hole.

#worker #retail #capitalism #rudepeople #holidays #apologiesforhumanity

Last updated 2 years ago

PC · @PChoate
101 followers · 369 posts · Server mas.to

The difference in my experience on compared to is far fewer , and a much more intelligent level of . So nice to find a social app with a heart and a brain.

#politeconversation #rudepeople #Twitter #Mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago