Rudy Colludy's defense consists entirely of highly-improbable "hail Marys". I suppose that's what having no money to pay for lawyers gets you.
#TrumpIndictment #FultonCounty #RudyColludy #FourSeasonsTotalLandscaping #flatulence #drunkenRudy
#trumpindictment #fultoncounty #rudycolludy #fourseasonstotallandscaping #flatulence #drunkenrudy
Lol Tough day for #RudyColludy. The #drunken, #flatulent, melting hair-dye #creep known for staging a truly amazing press conference in front of Four Seasons Total Landscaping has lost #RubyFreeman and #ShayeMoss' #defamation case, with the #judge issuing a default #judgement against him. This is what happens when you #lie about innocent people with reckless abandon.
#rudycolludy #drunken #flatulent #creep #rubyfreeman #shayemoss #defamation #judge #judgement #lie
@crooksandliars What a whiny bitch. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. #Rudy should ask himself how he would respond if one of the criminals he prosecuted bitched and moaned the way he is. I guarantee he wouldn't give a flying fuck about their grievances. Look in the mirror you goddamned drunkard.
@gcblasing @georgetakei this was only a bar hearing, not a trial.
I'd bet that Jack Smith has a thick folder on Rudy and I hope one day we see it carried into a court of law.
#sedition #rudycolludy #uspolitics
Wish #Hunter a Happy Birthday Day . #Dogs don’t choose teams but his naming may/maynot have anything to do with a #laptop that #RudyColludy obtained with #Russian propaganda or not.
Anyway 4 years later 🎉🎉🍾 #Birthday #Celebration
#hunter #dogs #laptop #rudycolludy #Russian #birthday #celebration