Oh nice. One of my formative texts is available to be borrowed from #ArchiveDotOrg https://archive.org/details/semiotextesf0000unse/mode/2up (or for download from libgen ⛵oops I 🏴☠️, yoho). I should probably reread that for a laugh sometime.
I wonder if the screen reading experience allows the flipbook animated robot cock in the bottom left corner to work as well as the paper edition
#archivedotorg #scifi #rudyrucker #semiotexte
"We thought we were safe, with our technolgy
But now it's clear, we're just their biology"
#rudyrucker Here, at Rudy Rucker's website, you'll find many many free short stories, which mostly appeared in magazines and anthologies originally. including his collaborations with other writers. And here's our strange story ALL HANGY
Identities are hard to let go. I've been through it more than once. I try to hold onto them more loosely than I used to.
I used to know a guy who when talking about his past who would say, "That was in one of my other lives." There's something to that.
#Culture, #Existentialism, #Life, #Musings, #Transformations
#Identity, #JeffNoon, #Mappalujo, #mask, #persona, #RudyRucker, #SciFi #ScienceFiction
#culture #existentialism #life #musings #transformations #identity #jeffnoon #mappalujo #mask #persona #rudyrucker #scifi #sciencefiction
#15yrsago Dangers of a giant national database — article from 1967 was eerily prescient https://web.archive.org/web/20080401215049/http://blog.modernmechanix.com/2008/03/31/the-national-data-center-and-personal-privacy/
#15yrsago #RudyRucker’s science fiction webzine Flurb #5 is out https://web.archive.org/web/20080305030119/http://www.flurb.net/
#15yrsago #Homeless people disguised as stranded tourists sleep on #Heathrow’s benches https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,1729692,00.html
#15yrsago VCs sitting on giant piles of money that Internet startups don’t need https://www.wired.com/2008/03/bz-lonelyvc/
#15yrsago #rudyrucker #homeless #heathrow
Saw something here that made me wonder what #RudyRucker was up to. I have loved his books, so rediscovered his blog to see what he has been up to.
He has a new book out - Juicy Ghosts.
And a deeply moving blog posted yesterday for his just passed wife. 😢
#20yrsago #RudyRucker reviews #WilliamGibson https://www.wired.com/2003/02/logomancer/
#5yrsago Elite Baltimore police unit robbed with impunity, sold guns and drugs, loaned guns and armor to civilians sent to commit robberies https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/06/us/baltimore-police-corruption.html
#5yrsago Trump wants to cap lifetime #Medicaid benefits, even for disabled people, the chronically ill, and people with Alzheimer’s https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article198549039.html
#20yrsago #rudyrucker #williamgibson #5yrsago #medicaid
Someday #webcomic creators will be able to use #AI to make animated series from their works.
The thought reminds me of the AI-assisted metanovels from #RudyRucker’s #Postsingular.
#webcomic #ai #rudyrucker #Postsingular
@bond The term "dreampunk" hasn't really taken off yet, but the genre has been blowing up for a while. Take these two new releases in the top 10 on #Netflix, for example.
Good examples that come to mind are @neilhimself's #TheSandman, Jeff Noon's #Vurt books, Murakami's Hard-Boiled Wonderland...
I put together a site with a description of the genre and a bunch of examples of #books, #movies and #TV, plus interviews with #dreampunk authors like #JeffNoon and #RudyRucker: https://whatisdreampunk.com/
#netflix #thesandman #Vurt #books #movies #tv #dreampunk #JeffNoon #rudyrucker
#dreamworld #dreamscape #dreamtime #astralPlane #astralProjection #oobe #nearDeathExperience #lore #folklore #esoteric #esoterica #esotericism #divination #tarot #yijing #iching #PhilipKDick #PKD #RobertAntonWilson #EdgarAllenPoe #RudyRucker #WilliamGibson #TerryPratchett #CharlesDeLint #JamesTiptreeJr #Tolkien #JRRTolkien #HPLovecraft #Lovecraft #cosmicHorror #illuminati #nwo #conspiracy #conspiracyTheory #paranoia #paranoidFiction #paranormal #paranormalFiction #aliens #ghosts
#dreamworld #dreamscape #dreamtime #astralPlane #AstralProjection #OOBE #neardeathexperience #lore #folklore #esoteric #ESOTERICA #esotericism #divination #tarot #yijing #iching #philipkdick #pkd #RobertAntonWilson #edgarallenpoe #rudyrucker #williamgibson #terrypratchett #CharlesDeLint #JamesTiptreeJr #tolkien #jrrtolkien #hplovecraft #lovecraft #cosmichorror #illuminati #nwo #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #paranoia #paranoidFiction #paranormal #paranormalfiction #aliens #ghosts
Cyberpunk's Mad Profesor Rudy Rucker extracted all of his 12 year run on Twitter to create an archival feed. A fascinating, unsettling dead media experiment.
#rudyrucker #cyberpunk #deademedia
Maravilla: Rudy Rucker, el único escritor cyberpunk científico, extrajo todos sus tweets de los últimos 12 años e hizo un feed con ellos. Curioso e inquietante experimento mediático.
#rudyrucker #cyberpunk #DeadMedia
I forget how many times I’ve re-read #RudyRucker’s #Postsingular. Fascinating book.