Are you interested in explainable and interpretable #MachineLearning and how to better understand the inner workings of black-box ML models?
Make sure to attend this week's distinguished lecture by Bernd Bischl from
#Data #DataScience #Statistics #Research #ruhrgebiet #ruhrpott #ruhrvalley
#machinelearning #data #datascience #statistics #research #ruhrgebiet #ruhrpott #ruhrvalley
📢 #SaveTheDate for the invited talk of Axel Hahn, Director of the DLR Institute of Systems Engineering for Future Mobility @DLR
📜Vertrauenswürdige Verkehrssysteme made in Oldenburg
📅Mon 23 Jan, 16:15 CET
📍@tu_dortmund LogistikCampus, Room A1.27
@uniallianz #research #mobility #futuremobility #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
#savethedate #research #mobility #futuremobility #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
📢 #SaveTheDate for the invited talk of Anne-Laure Boulesteix, Professor for #Biometry in Molecular #Medicine
📜Towards Reliable Empirical Evidence in Methodological Computational Research
📅Mon 16 Jan, 16:15 CET
📍Online Event (Zoom)
➡️ #research #methods #researchmethods #computational #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
#savethedate #biometry #medicine #research #methods #researchmethods #computational #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
We are pleased to announce that this month, Prof. Daniel Neider has joined our team at the Department of Computer Science @tu_dortmund as Professor for Verification and Formal Guarantees of #MachineLearning
🙌Welcome to RC #TRUST!🙌
@uniallianz #research #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrpott #ruhrvalley
#machinelearning #trust #research #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrgebiet #ruhrpott #ruhrvalley
📢 #SaveTheDate for the invited talk of Thomas Kneib, Professor for #Statistics at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
📜An Introduction to Distributional Regression
📅Mon 28 Nov, 16:15 CET
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4 (LogistikCampus), Room A1.27
@uniallianz #research #statistics #data #datascience #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk
#savethedate #statistics #research #data #datascience #ruhrvalley #invitedtalk