#RuinedPrioryFriday with Crowland Abbey, part of the church still functions but this beautiful chasm of a former nave is left behind on the southern side
#ruinedprioryfriday #churchcrawling
#RuinedPrioryFriday with Grace Dieu Priory, #Leicestershire this week
#ruinedprioryfriday #leicestershire #medieval #augustinian
One of the best kept secrets in Split, enclosed in a ring of buildings, we only got a peek when we were there, the c11 Benedictine Convent, dissolved during Napoleonic rule in 1807, partly demolished in 1937
See more of split >>>
Monk Bretton Priory in South Yorkshire, a Cluniac monastery founded in the 12th century
#PunchANaziSaturday #RomanSiteSaturday #SaturdayLibrarian #SaturdayMug #SaturdayNight #SoulfulSaturday #StoatSaturday
#ShrimpSunday #ShoulderSunday #SpiderSunday #SucculentSunday #SundayRoast #SundayRunDay #SundayStarter #SundayThoughts #SunDog #SunriseSunday #SunsetSunday
#BlueMonday #MacroMonday #ManicMonday #MashMonday #MementoMoriMonday #MetalMonday #MineralMonday #MiteMonday #MolluscMonday #MoodyMonday #MosaicMonday #MossMonday #MotorheadMonday #MountainsMonday #MustangMonday #TransMusicMonday
#AstroTuesday #DuckTuesday #HootinTootinTuesday #PatchTuesday #TacoTuesday #ToeBeansTuesday #TransTuesday #TuesdayArt #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayVibes #Tunesday #TuneSwapTuesday #TuskTuesday
#MittwochMetalMix #WaterWednesday #WednesdayAddams #WedsNeigh #WeevilWednesday #Wenbiesday #WestWed #WildHorseWednesday #WineWednesday #WishListWednesday #WrensDay
#BlackAndWhiteThursday #Fursday #RomanFortThursday #ThankfulThursday #ThickTrunkThursday #ThursdayThoughts #VerseThursday
#AdventureGameFriday #FairisleFriday #FastingFridaysForFuture #FBF #FediFriday #FernFriday #FilmFriday #FindsFriday #FineFemmeFriday #FishFriday #FishyFriday #FloralFriday #FlyFriday #FrescoFriday #FridayEve #FridayHeretics #FridayMorning #FridayMusic #FridayNightBeersAreTheBestBeers #FriYay #FrogFriday #FroggyFriday #FunFriday #FunSockFriday #PhotographyFriday #RuinedPrioryFriday #TransVoiceFriday
Hashtag Index for more https://toot.cat/@Hashtags/110460687230583361
#punchanazisaturday #romansitesaturday #saturdaylibrarian #saturdaymug #saturdaynight #soulfulsaturday #stoatsaturday #shrimpsunday #shouldersunday #spidersunday #succulentsunday #sundayroast #sundayrunday #sundaystarter #sundaythoughts #sundog #sunrisesunday #sunsetsunday #bluemonday #macromonday #manicmonday #mashmonday #mementomorimonday #metalmonday #mineralmonday #MiteMonday #molluscmonday #moodymonday #mosaicmonday #mossmonday #motorheadmonday #mountainsmonday #mustangmonday #transmusicmonday #astrotuesday #ducktuesday #hootintootintuesday #patchtuesday #tacotuesday #toebeanstuesday #transtuesday #TuesdayArt #tuesdaythoughts #tuesdayvibes #tunesday #tuneswaptuesday #tusktuesday #mittwochmetalmix #waterwednesday #wednesdayaddams #wedsneigh #WeevilWednesday #wenbiesday #westwed #wildhorsewednesday #winewednesday #wishlistwednesday #wrensday #blackandwhitethursday #fursday #romanfortthursday #thankfulthursday #thicktrunkthursday #thursdaythoughts #VerseThursday #adventuregamefriday #fairislefriday #fastingfridaysforfuture #fbf #fedifriday #fernfriday #filmfriday #FindsFriday #finefemmefriday #fishfriday #fishyfriday #floralfriday #flyfriday #FrescoFriday #fridayeve #fridayheretics #fridaymorning #fridaymusic #fridaynightbeersarethebestbeers #friyay #frogfriday #froggyfriday #funfriday #funsockfriday #photographyfriday #ruinedprioryfriday #transvoicefriday
#RuinedPrioryFriday and its the beautiful Valle Crucis Abbey in Denbighshire, Wales
This one has been on the list for a long time, finally got to see the almighty Kirkstall Abbey
The ruins of Lindisfarne Priory on Holy Island, Northumberland.
#Lindisfarne #LindisfarnePriory #HolyIsland #Northumberland #Photography #SmartPhonePhotography #Nexus6 #SnapSeed
#ruinedprioryfriday #lindisfarne #lindisfarnepriory #holyisland #northumberland #photography #smartphonephotography #nexus6 #snapseed
end of the list: #archeodon #INRAP #medievalmonday #StandingStoneSunday #TombTuesday #NeolithicNovember #RuinedPrioryFriday #HillfortsWednesday #EpigraphyTuesday #hadrianwallwednesday #RomanFortThursday
Also, when I look for people's profile on the Mastodon App, the profiles are generally empty, but when I browse on my PC, there is a link to the person's profile on their server and I can see the complete profile, it might be one of your problem too.
#archeodon #INRAP #medievalmonday #StandingStoneSunday #TombTuesday #NeolithicNovember #ruinedprioryfriday #HillfortsWednesday #EpigraphyTuesday #hadrianwallwednesday #romanfortthursday
#RuinedPrioryFriday with St Mary's Abbey, York
Once one of the Richest & significant monastic houses in England
Now some incredible evocative ruins in the gardens of the Yorkshire museum
#ruinedprioryfriday #yorkposting
#FensterFreitag #RuinedPrioryFriday
Valle Crucis Abbey, #Cymru
#Cistercian #13thcentury #monastery #medieval
#medieval #monastery #13thcentury #Cistercian #cymru #ruinedprioryfriday #Fensterfreitag
3/4 🧵
Rievaulx Abbey was to become one of the greatest and wealthiest in England, with 140 monks and 500+ lay brothers. It received grants of land totalling 6,000 acres and established daughter houses in England and Scotland.
#ruinedprioryfriday #medieval #cistercian
2/4 🧵
Rievaulx was founded in 1132 by twelve monks from Clairvaux, but it was soon to expand considerably
#ruinedprioryfriday #medieval #cistercian
Forest:Jungle Collective
#RuinedPrioryFriday and very simply one of the most haunting and beautiful ruins in the country - Rievaulx Abbey is pretty much unbeatable
a short thread 🧵👇
#ruinedprioryfriday #medieval #cistercian
a bit of light cheating for #Ruinedprioryfriday 🤫 but the ruins of St George of the Latins in Famagusta, Cyprus are just too beautiful not to post
See more of Northern Cyprus in the new episode >>>
#ruinedprioryfriday #medieval #cyprus #famagusta
The beautiful gothic arcades of Baltinglass Abbey, Ireland
#RuinedPrioryFriday - We can do that!
#SmartPhonePhotography #PhonePhotography #Nexus6 #CameraFV5 #Photography #LandscapePhotography
The ruins of Guisborough Priory in North Yorkshire. (2015)
#ruinedprioryfriday #smartphonephotography #phonephotography #nexus6 #camerafv5 #photography #landscapephotography
#RuinedPrioryFriday & its the glorious ruins of Grey Abbey, County Down, NI