I was reminded today of my first #penandpaper #ttrpg #campaign. We were six friends and #JohnMastodon playing #AdvancedDungeonsandDragons in the early 90s. Four of us DMed and we rotated our sessions, often meeting for 24h marathons at each other’s houses with little to no sleep. It was epic! We had #Ravenloft, #Dragonlance, basic #DnD and I was #DM for #forgottenrealms. It became the longest running campaign. We played lots of #TSR modules and #DungeonMagazine scenarios, #RuinsofUndermountain
#penandpaper #ttrpg #campaign #johnmastodon #advanceddungeonsanddragons #Ravenloft #Dragonlance #dnd #dm #forgottenrealms #tsr #dungeonmagazine #ruinsofundermountain