Today was the 50th day of the trial. Still on 2nd prosecution witness. The 47 are being tried for participating in a pro-democracy primary, now considered “subversive” under the draconian . used to kill .

#hk47 #nationalsecuritylaw #rulebylaw #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago

demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
33 followers · 1195 posts · Server


Being a non-Partystate-affiliated lawyer in a stalinist where *all* "law" is harnessed to perpetuate the one-party rule is not exactly a dream job for intelligent people.

You will still find some intrepid lawyers in state facilities. Just not working on legal issues, but rather facing them. In indefinite detention.

#dictatorship #chinese #china #ccp #prc #rulebylaw #legalism #humanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

"’s human rights lawyers are fleeing abroad amid an effort to cleanse the city of dissent. The pressure is part of a wider crackdown by the ruling on lawyers across China, say activists, legal scholars and diplomats."

#HongKong #communistparty #china #ccp #cpc #freedom #Democracy #onecountrytwosystems #onecountryonesystem #ruleoflaw #rulebylaw

Last updated 2 years ago