@caolan I knew you'd like this one.
Also #RulesOfEngagement #235:
Duck; death is tall.
Was gonna explain;
but, “Fuck you!” sounded better.
Rules of Engagement.
#Haiku #LifeChoices #RulesOfEngagement #FauxPas #Haikoot #ChooseYourOwnAdventure
#haiku #lifechoices #rulesofengagement #fauxpas #haikoot #chooseyourownadventure
Was gonna explain;
but, “Fuck you!” sounded better.
Rules of Engagement.
#Haiku #LifeChoices #RulesOfEngagement #FauxPas
#fauxpas #rulesofengagement #lifechoices #haiku
https://www.themself.org/2012/03/urban-nightmare-the-megagame-pt-2/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #101stairbornedivision #games #nationalguard #offsidereport #romerocity #rulesofengagement #urbannightmare #zombie #zombieapocalypse
#zombieapocalypse #zombie #urbannightmare #rulesofengagement #romerocity #offsidereport #nationalguard #games #101stairbornedivision
Mandatory socializing. The worst!!! #AllStarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #RulesOfEngagement
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #rulesofengagement
Using deepfakes to create crisis and influence the course of conflict between two powers. Hmmm where have I seen this before?
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #ds9 #rulesofengagement
Ok Sisko - maybe you should not have assigned him to that mission.
#allstartrek #DS9 #rulesofengagement
Sisko is going Perry Mason on Ch'Pok.
#allstartrek #DS9 #rulesofengagement
Advocate, the Bar Association is going to disbar you for lying to the tribunal! #AllStarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #RulesOfEngagement
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #rulesofengagement
Sisko has an ace up his sleeve!! #AllStarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #RulesOfEngagement
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #rulesofengagement
Damnit Worf!! I told you to wait until after the trial!!
#allstartrek #DS9 #rulesofengagement
This prison system is a pretty cool concept. (Fictionally)
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #ds9 #rulesofengagement
Ch'Pok is remarkably polite for a Klingon .
And Sisko isn't worried about a damn thing mister!!
#allstartrek #DS9 #rulesofengagement
Miles is the best witness for Worf. Ch'pok is good. Poor Worf!! He is going to go to the chair.
#allstartrek #DS9 #rulesofengagement
Ch'Pok is Losing patience with Quark. it'd be nice if he could keep Quork on the stand longer - he would lose it!
#allstartrek #DS9 #rulesofengagement
How did Quark confuse Morn for Bashir? #AllStarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #RulesOfEngagement
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #rulesofengagement
Why do Starfleet officers never have proper legal representation and only have their friends and colleagues to represent them? 🧐 #AllStarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #DS9 #RulesOfEngagement
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #DS9 #rulesofengagement
I have nothing to hide, so enter your illegally obtained data about me into the court case against me.
Worf supporting the NSA.
#allstartrek #startrekds9 #ds9 #rulesofengagement