Will you get 1 point or 1.000?
One interesting aspect of designing score systems is the value you get for actions. Just multiply values you will get a totally different feel. Score 1 Point, and it will feel tedious and spare. With High-Scores like 34. Compared to High-Scores like 34.000.000.
#gamedev #gamedesign #rulesofplay #gamebalancing #highscore #hiscores #score
#gamedev #gamedesign #rulesofplay #gamebalancing #highscore #hiscores #score
Just remembered today, how easy it is to design a game. Or to name it better: how few things you need. A stick, a ball, a stone... any random item game be part of a game. Or not even that. Just words can be a game. Or the most simple rule, like: be the quickest. Throw the furthest. Be the strongest or the wisest.
#gamedev #gamedesign #indegames #rulesofplay #indiegamedesign
#gamedev #gamedesign #indegames #rulesofplay #indiegamedesign
What is #privacy ?
How do privacy by design principles correlate with laws of identity?
#holisticidentity #rulesofplay
More in article : https://medium.com/@volodymyrpavlyshyn/privacy-by-desing-and-laws-of-ide-991c80170d35
#privacy #holisticidentity #rulesofplay