I just watched The River (Jean Renoir, 1951) and rated it 9/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_River_%281951_film%29?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastadon Beautiful looking, poetic and gently flowing #TheRiver #JeanRenoir #RumerGodden #Technicolor #India #WestBengal #Ganges
#ganges #westbengal #india #technicolor #rumergodden #jeanrenoir #theriver #cinemastadon #cinema #films
The Film Foundation are screening/streaming the gorgeous Renoir film The River for free next month. Based on a book by Rumer Godden (Black Narcissus) - restored from the original three-strip Technicolor negs.
#TheRiver #RumerGodden #JeanRenoir #Technicolor #cinemastodon
#cinemastodon #technicolor #jeanrenoir #rumergodden #theriver
"A doll is a very anxious - even dangerous - thing to be. You see dolls cannot choose, dolls can only be chosen."
- #OliverPostgate / #RumerGodden
- Tottie: The Story Of a Doll's House
These can be fun, I'll try another!
#TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy by #DouglasAdams
#AFarewellToArms by #ErnestHemigway
#LittleWomen by #LouisaMayAlcott
#FloatingDragon by #PeterStraub
#SkyeOMalley by #BertriceSmall
#September by #RosamundePilcher
#FiveForSorrowTenForJoy by #RumerGodden
Bonus pick: #cookbooks I read cookbooks when I'm hungry.
#7booksilove #thehitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #douglasadams #afarewelltoarms #ErnestHemigway #littlewomen #louisamayalcott #floatingdragon #PeterStraub #skyeomalley #bertricesmall #september #rosamundepilcher #fiveforsorrowtenforjoy #rumergodden #cookbooks