When the voices get loud
you plead for them to stop
but when will you realize
that its you who is screaming?
#ruminating #unhingedmissivestomyself
#unhingedmissivestomyself #ruminating
Such a place doesnt even leave reason to wonder how many of us are just making a little place to rot among all the decay, the fact that we rot is as sure as the sun sets and rises.
"What is this"
Watching myself from the window.
What is this?
Supple, stretchy, warm, soft.
Translucent bones?
Pulse, an ever constant rhythm singing to itself, a clock with hands, never able to put my finger on the time that i desire, just linger, for a little longer: 5 more minutes and ill get up.
What are you up, to?
Thumbing my heel, slipping on the shoe that fits, leaving? Got my keys. Lock the door and never open it, stick to your wit, always on red alert... what's this red on my shirt?
What is this?
Spongy, grainy, cold, dark.
#death #thoughts #poem #ruminating #poetry
I have grown averse to reminiscing, especially with family, actually entirely with family, because I really value my sleep.
#insomnia #ruminating
Descartes said, 'I think, therefore I am.' In light of the Buddha's teaching, you might say, 'I think, therefore I am... not here.' You are lost in your thinking, so you are really not here.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
#buddhism #mindfulness #ruminating
#buddhism #mindfulness #ruminating
Mind stuck in a loop
Break the cycle and move on
Focus on the now
#mentalhealth #ruminating #breaktherut #haiku #poetry
#mentalhealth #ruminating #breaktherut #poetry #haiku
Descartes said, 'I think, therefore I am.' In light of the Buddha's teaching, you might say, 'I think, therefore I am... not here.' You are lost in your thinking, so you are really not here.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
#buddhism #mindfulness #ruminating
#buddhism #mindfulness #ruminating
Descartes said, 'I think, therefore I am.' In light of the Buddha's teaching, you might say, 'I think, therefore I am... not here.' You are lost in your thinking, so you are really not here.
― Thich Nhat Hanh
#buddhism #mindfulness #ruminating
#buddhism #mindfulness #ruminating
Descartes said, 'I think, therefore I am.' In light of the Buddha's teaching, you might say, 'I think, therefore I am... not here.' You are lost in your thinking, so you are really not here. For you to be truly here, thinking has to stop."
― Thich Nhat Hanh
#buddhism #mindfulness #ruminating
#buddhism #mindfulness #ruminating
All In The Mind: The toxic effects of rudeness
Episode webpage: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/toxic-rude-effects/14113644
Media file: https://mediacore-live-production.akamaized.net/audio/01/dl/Z/3v.mp3
#science #health #psychology #SocialPsychology #ruminating #rudeness
#ruminating #health #science #psychology #socialpsychology #rudeness
"What could be?"
"What should be?"
"What could have happened, if ...?"
"Why ...?"
What is your "favourite" question?
#Ruminating is your perfect escape. But you never heal.
If you learn to recognise, watch, manage, cease your thoughts and go through your covered emotions to accept and appreciate them, you can heal and find peace.
You learn to redirect your focus.
This often needs a guided process.
#SelfCare #therapy #mentalhealth #anxiety #Depression #ruminating
Your #thought|s can be your strongest tool or your biggest burden.
According to the ABC-model used in #CBT #CognitiveBehavioralTherapy beliefs/judgements are the origin of your emotions and physical reactions.
How do you know if this is true?
Where do you see people react very differently in the same situation, facing the same activating event?
How can that be?
#Ruminating is like a self-built cage. You constantly ponder over the same questions:
#ruminating #cognitivebehavioraltherapy #cbt #thought
Hello, salut, ahoj, g'day
It's 2023, how bizarre! #NewYear #OldMe #ruminating #hope
I hope that we humans take better care of the land, air, water, and lifeforms that we live among
I hope we are open to learning more about ourselves, individually and collectively, so that we fear less, understand more...
Unlearn our prejudices, accept that we humans are tangles of privilege, trauma, kindness, selfishness...
Yindyamarra is a Wiradjuri word meaning respect, go slow, take responsibility
#newyear #oldme #ruminating #hope
ruminating by Lara David // Chekov 2
#ruminating #NowPlaying