Amnesia: The Bunker and Slayers X headline the next batch of Game Pass additions - #SlayersX:TerminalAftermath:VenganceoftheSlayer #DoubleFineProductions #Birdview/Isometric #FocusEntertainment #Amnesia:TheBunker #HypnospaceOutlaw #RisingStarGames #ActionAdventure #FrictionalGames #PointandClick #SinglePlayer #NoMoreRobots #RuneFactory4 #MarvelousAQL #Nintendo3DS #Thirdperson #Shooter
#shooter #thirdperson #Nintendo3DS #marvelousaql #runefactory4 #nomorerobots #singleplayer #pointandclick #frictionalgames #ActionAdventure #risingstargames #HypnospaceOutlaw #amnesia #FocusEntertainment #birdview #doublefineproductions #SlayersX
Checking out Rune Factory 4 for the first time on stream!
Come say hi:
#livestreaming #twitchpartner #runefactory4
I finally picked up Rune Factory 4 Special. I'm going to finish Hollow Knight first, but I look forward to playing since I've heard so many good things about it!
#runefactory4 #NintendoSwitch #Gaming #videogames