Neue #pnpWoche, eher unspannendes klein klein.
- Di #RuneQuest Session Zero, primär Erwartungshaltung abklären und PreGens verteilen
- Sa #ElectricBastionland aufzeichnen
- So #YouTube Kanaljubiläum in der heutigen Form und natürlich die neue #Podcast Folge von #Coriolis
Ansonsten abklären was wir mit der in der Aufzeichnung verlorenen gegangenen Episode #Cthulhu #MaskenDesNyarlathotep machen 😔 #pnpde
#pnpwoche #runequest #electricbastionland #youtube #podcast #coriolis #cthulhu #maskendesnyarlathotep #pnpde
We finally talk about 13th Age #Glorantha, with guests Becca and Evan from Iconic Production! We look at 13AG's strengths, compare it to #RuneQuest and #Questworlds, and plunder it for cool mechanics to use in other #TTRPG games!
#glorantha #runequest #questworlds #ttrpg
The clouds darken, electricity builds up in the air, and a bolt of light blinds our eyes! Take 1D6 of damage to a random location! Ludo's review of the Cults of #RuneQuest: The Lighbringers is here! #TTRPG
I splurged on a community-content book for #Runequest called Ships and Shores of Southern Genertela and I've not smiled so much reading anything in a long time.
@mhd read the griselda stories, I started the group in jail after carousing, with hangovers, and fuzzy memories. In return for not pressing charges they could stop the broo raiders....
Turned into a very western style with broos as indigenous displaced, so character sympathies ended up all over the place!
I finished running the second #RuneQuest #TTRPG starter adventure (using the full rules) this evening. Players seem to be happy playing their pregens and are getting into things. A distinct lack of violence (despite the Storm Bull's best efforts) which is probably for the best, and the adventure finished with pretty much the best outcome for all involved.
On with the final starter adventure in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to it.
Starting the day reading #Chaosium's Lightbringers Cult book.
#RuneQuest #Glorantha #ttrpg
#Chaosium #runequest #glorantha #ttrpg
Tag 31: Das LIEBSTE Spiel „aller Zeiten“
Es kommt wirklich darauf an, an welchem Tag ihr mich gerade fragt, aber es gibt Wochen, in denen ihr an jedem Tag eine andere Antwort bekommen hättet.
Oft wird die Antwort "Dungeon Crawl Classics" oder „RuneQuest“ lauten.
(Was nichts daran ändert, dass ich diese Frage eigentlich nicht richtig beantworten kann.)
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #pnpde #runequest #dccrpg #dcc
@nukehavoc Thanks! I've so many #FitD games waiting 4 play, they'd make a multiverse. I want to house rule #Scum And Villainy and Gambits into #BladesInTheDark . #SavageWorlds is the only thing I haven't seen in your lisf, but have to one shot one day.
My latest experiences are: #Runequest, #Questworlds (Really Heroquest in #Glorantha), #Gumshoe: Swords of the Serpentine is great and #BelongingOutsideBelonging one shot of This Night on the Rooftops that was electrifying with family.
#fitd #scum #bladesinthedark #savageworlds #runequest #questworlds #glorantha #gumshoe #BelongingOutsideBelonging
#RPGaDay #29: Most Memorable Encounter – In our Six Seasons in Sartar game for #RuneQuest when we discovered the identity of the child-eating monster and my character had a screaming fit her father and disowned him. Written by Andrew Logan Montgomery and run by Roy Duffy.
#rpgaday #runequest #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #ttrpgs
Endlich da: Die ersten zwei gedruckten „Cults of Runequest“ Bücher mit Spielwerten. Ich freue mich schon aufs lesen, der erste Eindruck ist exzellent, auch was die Qualität der Bücher angeht. #Runequest #PnPDE
26. Favorite Character Sheet?
I'm a fan of #RuneQuest Roleplaying In Glorantha's "fancy" full color 4-page sheet.
My all time favorite though is the template for #WEGStarWars that fit three to a sheet, front and back. It had everything you needed in a very simple format.
#rpgaday2023 #runequest #wegstarwars
OK, so my character has an "awakened" cat, with INT. I think the cat's smarter than the human, although that wouldn't be the first time that's happened. 🤣
#RuneQuest #Glorantha #SixSeasonsInSartar
#runequest #Glorantha #sixseasonsinsartar
Still catching up with #rpgaday2023.
As a GM most of the time, I mostly have requirements.
+ all needed character information ideally on one page
+ the important information should be available at a glance
+ personally, I prefer self-developed character sheets, often created with more love than commercial ones
+ I also like "folio sheets" of the #RQG / #Runequest and #WFRP 4 #startersets
#rpgaday2023 #RQG #runequest #WFRP #startersets
Absolutely no spoilers for "Six Seasons In Sartar", please. Going to start playing it in a month or so. #RuneQuest #Glorantha #TTRPG
Thinking about my character for a new #RuneQuest campaign starting up next month. All the player characters come from the same clan, and start at 16 years old, so I'm going to have to remember what it's like to be a teenager. 🤣 Regarding profession, I'm thinking maybe hunter.
#Glorantha #SixSeasonsInSartar
#runequest #Glorantha #sixseasonsinsartar
Tag 27: „Game I'd Like A New Edition Of“
Es hat zwar "erst" 5 Jahre auf dem Buckel und es gibt keine gravierenden Probleme mit dem Text oder dem Spielsystem selbst – aber das wirklich gute „#RuneQuest - Roleplaying in Glorantha" würde ich gern nach dem Vorbild der StarterBox neu organisiert sehen: Gern übersichtlicher! Detailliertere Regeln nur als Option, damit Newbies nicht überfordert werden! Ein Layout auf dem neuesten Stand von Chaosium wäre auch toll.
#runequest #rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #pnpde
I'm really looking forward to getting my first real paychecks in years so that I can buy the #RuneQuest cults books. I absolutely need all of them.
#RPGaDay #24: Most COMPLEX RPG you play – #RuneQuest: Roleplaying in #Glorantha, for its interplay of passions and Runes with the setting, published by Chaosium, Inc.
#rpgaday #runequest #glorantha #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #ttrpgs