8. My favourite #TTRPG (for its art) is #ChangelingTheDreaming. Though Fabian’s work in #ADnD2e was phenomenal, I fell in love with #VampireTheMasquerade 2e when I saw its pages; Changeling elevated that to the next level: it was bold and bright, and Leif Jones’ art subtly surreal. Precious few other RPGs were printed in full colour at that time, and it set the game apart. (Honourable—more recent—mentions go to #Aquelarre and #RuneQuestGlorantha. Again, bold and bright and atmospheric.) #gtkm
#ttrpg #changelingthedreaming #ADnD2E #VampireTheMasquerade #aquelarre #runequestglorantha #gtkm
@taarion @Silentpat Ich kenne nur die englische Edition, da ist das Layout awesome. Bestimmt wird das bei deutschen Edition ebenfalls so sein. Bin aber gespannt, wie es hierzulande mit #RuneQuestGlorantha weitergeht. #RQG