Morgen Nachmittag werde ich in dieser Arbeitswoche über 40 km zu Fuß zurückgelegt haben. Warum? Weil ich die knapp 4 km zur Arbeit zu Fuß zurücklege. Das ist die erste Woche in der ich es komplett schaffe. Es tut unheimlich gut und es macht Spaß. Probleme habe ich bei der Podcastversorgung, das wird auf Dauer ein Engpass werden.
Außerdem meldet das 40 jährige Fleisch langsam Bedenken an. Da muss es jetzt durch. #RunningOnEmpty #StillGoingStrong #LetsMake40TheNew30
#runningonempty #stillgoingstrong #letsmake40thenew30
Rangers* with yet another share issue, they seem to be getting by month by month on charitable directors buying worthless shares, what happened to Neil Doncaster's threat of clubs living within their means.... OR ELSE, surely he meant every club? 🤔
If the new club folds I hope no reincarnation is allowed into our game, Scotland would be a far far better place without a Rangers Football Club.
#SPFL #ScottishFootball #RunningOnEmpty
#runningonempty #ScottishFootball #SPFL
Got to spend some miles #runningonempty on one of my favorite trails with my hubby and dog. #chicagomarathon is nine months away and it’s time to ramp up base training!
#runningonempty #chicagomarathon
During Jackson Browne's Running On Empty tour, my dormmates and I went looking for him at the hotel after the concert in Bowling Green, Ohio at BGSU's Anderson Arena (6 April 1978). I was in journalism at the time and when we saw opener Karla Bonoff at the hotel restaurant, I approached her booth and asked for an interview. Her manager shoo'd me away. Hahaha!
#runningonempty #JacksonBrowne
Today has been this kind of day… #runningonempty #caffeine #recharge
#runningonempty #caffeine #recharge