#CorraQueridaCorra (#RunSweetheartRun)
Comecei achando q seria só um filme de psicopata e talvez um terrir tosco,as foi incrível! Sou muito curiosa, então queria ter visto a transformação do Ethan. A bb é muito lindinha e fofa. 🥰 O final exaltando as mulheres: 🤩!
#corraqueridacorra #runsweetheartrun
Que filme maravilhoso é #CorraQueridaCorra (#RunSweetheartRun)! É sobre uma secretária de escritório de advocacia q vai num encontro profissional no lugar do chefe, mas q acaba virando date. Só q o cara na vdd quer jogar: ela será a caça e ele o caçador. É cada reviravolta... 🤯
#corraqueridacorra #runsweetheartrun
#thinking23 #RunSweetheartRun #movie
De pura casualidad me encontré con esta película protagonizada por una actriz que me tiene completamente embelesado.
Me refiero a Ella Balinska ♥
La película es un poquin... "volada", pero deja un mensaje.
La recomiendo, y tb recuerdo que cada 10 minutos pensaba...
"no podes ser tan hermosa"
Mi rotten tomatoes 🍅: 6.5
#movie #runsweetheartrun #thinking23
“Did you really think Eve came from Adam’s rib? Try the other way around.” #RunSweetheartRun
@vomit_eagle I recently enjoyed #RunSweetheartRun on #AmazonPrime, on #Hulu you could go with #Fresh or #Matriarch
#runsweetheartrun #amazonprime #hulu #fresh #matriarch
Run Sweetheart Run (2020) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/movies/run-sweetheart-run-2020 #RunSweetheartRun #trakt
#RunSweetheartRun mini review: a "message" #horrormovie that will sadly be more divisive than it should. Solid acting, mood, and thrills. I loved about 3/4th of it, but it shifted gears too often, so it felt rushed at times, and the message was very on the nose from minute 1.
My main issue, tho, is that the main character does so little fighting, and is saved by others constantly, which seems antithetical to the movie's message.
#runsweetheartrun #horrormovie
#RunSweetheartRun office meetup turns into fight for survival from stalker. Sinister influence. Some interesting original ideas. Female vs male issues over biblical timeline. Social commentary not subtle but should it have to be? Female empowerment fights back. Period power. 🩸
@YayForThat @grryboy @LukeySixx
I am adding:
#TheBabysitterKillerQueen (2020)
#TheEmptyMan (2020)
#TheInvisibleMan (2020)
#RunSweetheartRun (2020)
#Underwater (2020)
#Nocturne (2020)
#NobodySleepsInTheWoodsTonight (2020)
#FollowMe (2020)
#TheSadness (2021)
#TheresSomeoneInsideYourHouse (2021)
#ThingsHeardAndSeen (2021)
#FearStreet (2021)
#Madres (2021)
#Fresh (2022)
#MrHarrigansPhone (2022)
#TexasChainsawMassacre (2022)
#thebabysitterkillerqueen #theemptyman #theinvisibleman #runsweetheartrun #underwater #nocturne #nobodysleepsinthewoodstonight #followme #thesadness #theressomeoneinsideyourhouse #thingsheardandseen #fearstreet #madres #fresh #mrharrigansphone #texaschainsawmassacre #horror #horrorfam #horrorcommunity