RT @DrMarthaGulati
So wonderful to see @iamritu in #losangeles and share our canyons with her to hike! There was doggy jealousy for her attention! @MGsHusband #runyoncanyon #WeHoSunday #cardiologistswhorun #dogsoftwitter
#losangeles #runyoncanyon #wehosunday #cardiologistswhorun #dogsoftwitter
Merry Christmas to you from Barkley!
#dogtags #mastodog #sundog #dogs #quoththedoggienevermore #runyoncanyon
"I'm embarrassed for YOU that you DON'T have hair like this!"
#dogtags #mastodog #fridog #dogs #quoththedoggienevermore #runyoncanyon
The last thing dog food sees before everything goes dark.
#dogtags #mastodog #Thursdog #dogs #runyoncanyon
"Barkley, quick, tell me my breath doesn't smell like shoes. I'm totally screwed if it does."
#dogtags #mastodog #tuesdog #dogs #runyoncanyon
"I totally identify as a chihuahua. I don't get why they don't accept me."
#dogtags #mastodog #fridog #dogs #runyoncanyon
"Allow me to let you in on a little secret: happiness is a three-letter word spelled t r e e t s. And the word for super happiness comes from the root word treets and is spelled N O W (emphasis mine)!"
#mastodog #Thursdog #dogs #runyoncanyon #thanksgiving
"In addition to the obvious aesthetic value, they also provide eye shade."
#mastodog #Wednesdog #dogs #runyoncanyon
"Do I really have to stay here? I feel so naked next to this fur-ball."
#mastodog #tuesdog #dogs #runyoncanyon
"Excuse me, I was told there would be treats. Please tell me I'm not too late."
#sundog #dog #runyoncanyon #mastodog
"Look at you. You're so tiny and cute and you can be carried around like a handbag. On the other hand, I've eaten handbags, so, there's that."
#mastodog #Thursdog #dog #runyoncanyon
"Look at that idiot. He looks like he's totally lost. Loser. Wait, who are you? Where'd my walker go??"
#mastodog #Wednesdog #dog #runyoncanyon
"Look at that idiot. He looks like he's totally lost. Loser. Wait, who are you? Where'd my walker go??"
#mastodog #Wednesdog #dog #runyoncanyon
"Look, I get it. I don't have thumbs. What's a dog gotta do to hitch a ride around here?"
#mastodog #tuesdog #dog #runyoncanyon
"I could totally run up that hill like those smaller dogs. Probably do it later. Or tomorrow. Maybe."
#mastodog #mondog #dog #runyoncanyon