RT @RUGradsUnited
Please repost! All of this has gone on long enough! We are 301 days without contract. Time to show management that #WeRNotConfident
#WeRStrikeReady #RUListening #RUOnStrike #FondoComunitario #FairContractNow #WeRNotConfident
#faircontractnow #fondocomunitario #ruonstrike #rulistening #werstrikeready #wernotconfident
Morning after the battle. #rutgers #rutgersaaup @RutgersAAUPAFT #RUonstrike
#rutgers #rutgersaaup #ruonstrike
a lot of good wins but the strike is suspended not ended: still some open issues to resolve and importantly we stand with our bhsnj comrades who are still fighting for basic protections. #labor #union #RUonStrike
RT @democracynow: Here's why more than 9,000 professors, lecturers and graduate assistants are demanding increased pay and better job security at Rutgers University. #RUonstrike
1) The union bureaucrats are trying to end the Rutgers strike. They're calling for strikers to return to work on Monday on the basis of a "framework of a tentative deal." There's no final deal, and no details have been released. #RUOnStrike #Rutgers https://www.nj.com/education/2023/04/rutgers-and-unions-reach-deal-to-end-historic-faculty-strike.html
RT @whitstrub
hard to overstate the joy of stepping out for a break from day 5 holed up in the gov's office w/the union team to see this amazing display of solidarity--bringing #RUOnStrike to Trenton!
@ruaaup @ruaaup_ptl @CWA_NJ @NorthNJDSA @CentralNJDSA @dsasouthjersey @NewLabor @anakbayanru
It's a ball, it's a strike: join @RutgersAAUPAFT to picket in Trenton for a living wage for graduate workers! #RUOnStrike #rutgersaaup #rutgers #strike
#ruonstrike #rutgersaaup #rutgers #strike
@RutgersAAUPAFT Are bodies more needed in Trenton or in New Brunswick today? @agoldst @profchander #RUonstrike
Thanks for favoriting this and the previous -- all the @RutgersAAUPAFT action seems to be on the other site and you're saving me from screaming into the void about #RUonStrike
University website telling us to go about our business, unless we need to interrupt work long enough to fill out a form snitching on colleagues who strike? #RUOnStrike #rutgersaaup #rutgers #strike
#ruonstrike #rutgersaaup #rutgers #strike
Join us and @CentralNJDSA at Newark today and New Brunswick tomorrow! #RUOnStrike @ruaaup @ruaaup_ptl @ABhsnj
these last few tweets brought to you courtesy of Odyssey from Philadelphia to New Brunswick for @RutgersAAUPAFT print-in. #RUonstrike
Breaking resolve never to boost Twitter to boost the always quotable @mlmcgill: “what’s striking about the Rutgers strike”. #ruonstrike @RutgersAAUPAFT. https://twitter.com/iysse_us/status/1645996441184219141?s=46&t=-dDDMXkSiGDv1gI0xsNlZA
Join us as we stand with Rutgers faculty as they fight for the university students deserve.
Click here to donate to their strike fund & show your support: https://rafup.betterworld.org/donate #RUonStrike
RT @ruaaup
For the first time in the history of Rutgers University, all three faculty, grad, EOF, and postdoc unions have voted to go on strike. Monday morning, we are ON STRIKE. See you on the picket line. #RUOnStrike
RT @ruaaup
For the first time in the history of Rutgers University, all three faculty, grad, EOF, and postdoc unions have voted to go on strike. Monday morning, we are ON STRIKE. See you on the picket line. #RUOnStrike